Analyzing the Impact of Family Structure Changes on Children's Stress Levels Using a Stress Biomarker.
Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 65, issue 3, pp. 449-465.
Pauline Kleinschlömer

Former project staff
A2 Dimensions of Societal Integration: Social Stratification and Social Inequalities
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, and Sandra Krapf
Parental separation and children’s well-being. Does the quality of parent-child relationships moderate the effect?.
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40, issue 12, pp. 4197-4218.
Conference Presentations
Kleinschlömer, Pauline
Child Well-Being in Post-Separation Families.
[Norwegian Institute for Public Health, Oslo, May 26th, 2023]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline
Das Wohlbefinden von Kindern in Scheidungsfamilien.
[ifb-Kolloquium, Bamberg (virtual), March 28th, 2023]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline
Do Kids See it Coming? Analyzing Anticipation Effects of Children's Cognitive Abilities on Parental Separation.
[4th Academy of Sociology Conference "Knowledge Societies", Bern, August 28th to August 30th, 2023]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline
Do Kids See it Coming? Analyzing Anticipation Effects of Children's Cognitive Abilities on Parental Separation.
[21st Conference of the European Divorce Network, Utrecht, October 12th to October 13th, 2023]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline
Time heals all wounds? Stepfamily formation and Children’s Educational Outcomes in Norway.
[ECSR Annual Conference, Prague, September 18th to September 20th, 2023]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, Mine Kühn, Lara Bister, Tobias Vogt and Sandra Krapf
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[RC28 Spring Meeting, London, April 21st to April 23rd, 2022]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, Mine Kühn, Lara Bister, Tobias Vogt and Sandra Krapf
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[7th pairfam Interdisciplinary International Conference, Munich, May 11th to May 13th, 2022]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, Mine Kühn, Lara Bister, Tobias Vogt and Sandra Krapf
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[European Population Conference, Groningen, June 29th to July 02nd, 2022]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, Mine Kühn, Lara Bister, Tobias Vogt and Sandra Krapf
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam, July 06th to July 08th, 2022]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, and Sandra Krapf
Familienstruktur und kindliches Wohlbefinden. Variiert der Einfluss der Trennung der Eltern auf das Wohlergehen der Kinder je nach Beziehungsqualität?.
[Frühjahrstagung der Sektion Familiensoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, (virtual conference), March 10th to March 11th, 2021]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, Mine Kühn, Lara Bister, Tobias Vogt and Sandra Krapf
Familienstruktur und Stress bei Kindern. Eine Längsschnittanalyse basierend auf Biomarkern.
[Herbsttagung der Sektion Familiensoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, (virtual conference), November 24th to November 25th, 2021]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, and Sandra Krapf
Family structure and child well-being. Does the impact of parental separation on child well-being vary by relationship quality?.
[7th pairfam User Conference, (virtual conference), September 30th to October 01st, 2021]
Kleinschlömer, Pauline, Mine Kühn, Lara Bister, Tobias Vogt and Sandra Krapf
Parental separation and long-term consequences for children’s stress levels.
[19th Conference of the European Divorce Research Network, (virtual conference), October 13th to October 15th, 2021]