Transitions to Adulthood in the Middle East and North Africa: Young Women's Rising?.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Dr. Stefanie Heyne
Project Staff
stefanie.heyne [at] mzes.uni-mannheim.de
+49-621-181-2804Postal Address
University of Mannheim, MZES
Visiting Address
University of Mannheim, MZES
A5, 6
Building A
A3 Focus Groups of Societal Integration: Migration and Ethnic Minorities
RP8 A2 Spheres of Societal Integration: Family, Education, and Labour Markets
Journal Articles
Voßemer, Jonas, Anna Baranowska-Rataj, Stefanie Heyne and Katharina Loter
Partner’s unemployment and subjective well-being: the mediating role of relationship functioning.
Advances in Life Course Research, 60, issue June 2024, (article no. 100606), pp. 1-10.
Heyne, Stefanie, and Jonas Voßemer
Gender, Unemployment, and Subjective Well-Being: Why Do Women Suffer Less from Unemployment than Men?.
European Sociological Review, 29, issue 2, pp. 301–316.
Kogan, Irena, Stefanie Heyne, Jana Kuhlemann and Chadi Abdul-Rida
Distinct Boundaries? Preferences of Immigrants’ Descendants Regarding Partnerships with Recent Refugees from Syria and Afghanistan in Germany.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 52, issue 4, pp. 379–390.
Zoch, Gundula, and Stefanie Heyne
The evolution of family policies and couples' housework division after childbirth in Germany, 1994–2019.
Journal of Marriage and Family, 85, issue 5, pp. 1067-1086.
Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Hung Nguyen, Daniel Auer, Oke Bahnsen, Paul C. Bauer, Julian Bernauer, Simon Ellerbrock, Tobias Gummer, Stefanie Heyne, Matthias Mader, Christoph Wolf, Nan Zhang and et al.
Observing many researchers using the same data and hypothesis reveals a hidden universe of uncertainty.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America: PNAS, 119, issue 44, (article no. e2203150119), pp. 1-8.
Heyne, Stefanie, and Tobias Wolbring
Do Mothers and Fathers in Germany Really Prefer a Traditional Division of Labor? The Impact of Working Hours on Life Satisfaction Reconsidered.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 51, issue 3, pp. 298-306.
Voßemer, Jonas, and Stefanie Heyne
Unemployment and housework in couples: Task-specific differences and dynamics over time.
Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, issue 5, pp. 1074-1090.
Salikutluk, Zerrin, and Stefanie Heyne
Do Gender Roles and Norms Affect Performance in Maths? The Impact of Adolescents' and their Peers' Gender Conceptions on Maths Grades.
European Sociological Review, 33, issue 3, pp. 368-381.
Gebel, Michael, and Stefanie Heyne
Delayed transitions in times of increasing uncertainty: School-to-work transition and the delay of family formation in Jordan.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 46, issue A, pp. 61-72.
Heyne, Stefanie, and Michael Gebel
Education effects on the school-to-work transition in Egypt: A cohort comparison of labour market entrants 1970–2012.
Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 46, issue A, pp. 37-49.
Salikutluk, Zerrin, and Stefanie Heyne
Wer ist tatsächlich benachteiligt? Die Wirkung traditioneller Geschlechterrollen auf schulische Leistungen und elterliche Aspirationen in deutschen und türkischen Familien.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 43, issue 6, pp. 421-440.
Heyne, Stefanie
Arm durch Arbeitslosigkeit? Einkommensverluste und Armut im Kontext der Hartz-Reformen.
Zeitschrift für Soziologie, 41, issue 6, pp. 418-434.
Heyne, Stefanie
Culture and female labor force participation in international comparison.
University of Mannheim.
Papers / Reports
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Irena Kogan
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries – Germany. Technical Report on the Factorial Survey Experiment “Partnership Preferences among Young Adults in Germany”. Wave 9 – 2022, v7.0.0.
Conference Presentations
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Irena Kogan
Are male Muslim immigrants perceived as a particular threat in Western countries? Evidence from a factorial survey experiment in Germany.
["Ungleichheit und Zusammenhalt", Gemeinsame Tagung der DGS-Sektion "Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse" und des Cluster 2 des Forschungsinstituts Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt (FGZ), Bremen, March 05th to March 07th, 2024]
Heyne, Stefanie, Irena Kogan and Jana Kuhlemann
Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population.
[Workshop "Experimental Research on ethnic diversity, discrimination, and pro-sociality in European societies", Mannheim, March 13th to March 15th, 2024]
Heyne, Stefanie, Irena Kogan and Jana Kuhlemann
Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German Population.
[European Population Conference 2024, Edinburgh, June 12th to June 15th, 2024]
Heyne, Stefanie, Irena Kogan and Jana Kuhlemann
Is it a match? The congruence of partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population.
[Sixth Annual Conference of Experimental Sociology (ACES), Turin, August 28th to August 30th, 2024]
Heyne, Stefanie, Irena Kogan and Jana Kuhlemann
Is it a match? The similarity in partnership preferences between Syrian and Afghan refugees and the German population.
[European Consortium for Social Research Annual Conference, Barcelona, September 12th to September 14th, 2024]
Kogan, Irena, Stefanie Heyne and Jana Kuhlemann
Partnership formation in the context of refugee migration: What role do partner preferences among refugees and the German population play?.
[Sociology Seminary, Nuffield College, Oxford, (online), March 06th, 2024]
Kogan, Irena, Stefanie Heyne and Jana Kuhlemann
Partnership formation in the context of refugee migration: What role do partner preferences among refugees and the German population play?.
[Migration Observatory 8th Annual Conference, Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano and Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto, Turin, March 22nd, 2024]
Palomo-Lario, Carlos, Irena Kogan, Stefanie Heyne and Jana Kuhlemann
It takes two to court: Partnership formation in the context of forced migration.
[RC28 Summer Meeting, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, August 06th to August 08th, 2024]
Palomo-Lario, Carlos, Irena Kogan, Stefanie Heyne and Jana Kuhlemann
It takes two to court: Partnership formation in the context of forced migration.
[Seminar on Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications, Venice, November 18th to November 21st, 2024]
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Irena Kogan
Homophily in partnership preferences of migrants and natives in Germany: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment.
[RC28 Spring Meeting "Education and Social Inequality accross the Life Course", Paris, May 24th to May 26th, 2023]
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Grace C. Olzinski
Instability of Interethnic Partnerships in Early Adulthood.
[30th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TiY), Edinburgh, September 06th to September 08th, 2023]
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Grace C. Olzinski
Instability of Interethnic Partnerships in Early Adulthood.
[3rd International Conference on Fertility and Family Dynamics in Migrant and Minority Group, Wiesbaden, October 12th to October 13th, 2023]
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Irena Kogan
Attitudes towards partnerships with Afghan and Syrian refugees: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment.
[2nd IMES Workshop on Immigration, Integration, and Attitudes, Mannheim, September 22nd to September 23rd, 2022]
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Irena Kogan
Attitudes towards partnerships with Afghan and Syrian refugees: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment.
[Seminar "Analytical Sociology: Theory and Empirical Applications", San Servolo, Venice, November 14th to November 17th, 2022]
Heyne, Stefanie, Jana Kuhlemann and Irena Kogan
Interethnic partnership preferences of migrants and natives in Germany.
[41. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, Bielefeld, September 26th to September 30th, 2022]
Salikutluk, Zerrin, and Stefanie Heyne
The impact of gender norms on math grades.
[ECSR Conference 2015 - Cumulative Inequalities in the Life Course, Tallinn University, September 10th to September 12th, 2015]
Gebel, Michael, and Stefanie Heyne
Delayed transitions in times of increasing uncertainty. Trends in male marriage patterns in Jordan.
[ISA-RC06 Conference "Demographic and institutional change in global families", Taipei, March 28th to March 30th, 2013]
Heyne, Stefanie
Arbeitslosigkeit und soziale Exklusion im Kontext der Hartz-Reformen.
[SAMF e.V. Young Scholar's Workshop "Erwerbsarbeit im aktivierenden Sozialstaat", Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Berlin, February 20th to February 21st, 2013]
Heyne, Stefanie
Labor market entry in times of increasing uncertainty: Evidence from Egypt.
[Spring Meeting of the Research Committee on Social Stratification and Mobility (RC28) "Economic Crisis, Social Inequalities and Social Policies", Trento, May 16th to May 18th, 2013]
Heyne, Stefanie
Unemployment and happiness: The role of social work norms and the family for men and women in Germany.
[9th International Young Scholar German Socio-Economic Panel Symposium, Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, May 21st to May 22nd, 2013]
Heyne, Stefanie, and Michael Gebel
Where the family matters! Young women's school-to-work and school-to-home transitions in Middle Eastern and Northern African countries (MENA).
[ISA-RC06 Conference "Demographic and institutional change in global families", Taipei, March 28th to March 30th, 2013]
Heyne, Stefanie, and Michael Gebel
Young women's labor market integration in Middle Eastern and Northern African countries.
[American Sociological Association Annual Conference, New York, August 10th to August 13th, 2013]
Klein, Oliver, and Stefanie Heyne
The consequences of child poverty on early cognitive development.
[ESA 11th Conference: Crisis, Critique and Change, Torino, August 28th to August 31st, 2013]
Gebel, Michael, and Stefanie Heyne
Chances and barriers: Young women’s school-to-work and school-to-home transitions in Muslim Middle Eastern and Northern African (MENA) countries.
[Spring 2012 Meeting of ISA RC28 Economic Transformation and Social Stratification in Comparative Perspectives, Hong Kong, May 10th to May 13th, 2012]
Heyne, Stefanie, and Michael Gebel
Education and labor market entry in Middle East and Northern African countries: Chances and constraints in times of increasing uncertainty.
[7th IZA/World Bank Conference Employment and Development, New Delhi, November 05th to November 06th, 2012]
Heyne, Stefanie, and Michael Gebel
Unemployment and income Dynamics - Consequences of job loss in European welfare States.
[Spring 2012 Meeting of ISA RC28 Economic Transformation and Social Stratification in Comparative Perspective, Hong Kong, May 10th to May 13th, 2012]
Heyne, Stefanie
Unemployment and Income Dynamics in a Life-Course Perspective.
[Berlin Summer School in Social Science: Linking Theory and Empirical Research, Berlin, July 15th to July 27th, 2012]
Heyne, Stefanie, and Michael Gebel
Where gender matters: school-to-home and school-to-work transition in Muslim Middle Eastern and Northern African (MENA) countries.
[20th annual workshop TIY: Transition in Youth: A 20 Year Perspective, Nijmegen, September 05th to September 08th, 2012]
Heyne, Stefanie
Poverty and income dynamics: Consequences of job loss in European welfare states.
[ECSR 20th anniversary conference: European society or societies? A 20 year perspective, Dublin, December 14th to December 17th, 2011]
Heyne, Stefanie
Unemployment and poverty: consequences of labour market exclusion in European welfare states.
[ECSR, EQUALSOC & University of Trento Joint Summer School 2011 "Poverty, Deprivation and Social Exclusion", Trento, September 05th to September 09th, 2011]