The Importance of Personal Vote Intentions for the Responsiveness of Legislators: A Field Experiment.
European Journal of Political Research, 60, issue 2, pp. 455-473.
Dr. Steffen Zittlau

Project Staff
RP9 B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance: Political Institutions
(Note: Generally, the former staff pages only feature publications that have been published at the MZES. Furthermore, the former staff pages feature publications that have been published in co-authorship with current MZES staff.)
Journal Articles
Leininger, Arndt, Lukas Rudolph and Steffen Zittlau
How to Increase Turnout in Low-Salience Elections: Quasi-Experimental Evidence on the Effect of Concurrent Second-Order Elections on Political Participation.
Political Science Research and Methods, 6, issue 3, pp. 509-526.
Gschwend, Thomas, Lukas F. Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
What drives rental votes? How coalitions signals facilitate strategic coalition voting.
Electoral Studies , 44, issue December, pp. 293-306.
Stötzer, Lukas F., Steffen Zittlau, Thomas Gschwend and Tobias Witt
Leihstimmen im Bundestagswahljahr 2013.
Journal of Political Psychology, 4, issue 1, pp. 88-107.
Stötzer, Lukas F., and Steffen Zittlau
Multidimensional Spatial Voting with Non-separable Preferences.
Political Analysis, 23, issue 3, pp. 415-428.
Zittlau, Steffen
Spatial Voting across Electoral Arenas and Policy Dimensions. A Panel Analysis of EU Integration Preferences and Electoral behavior in the 2013-2014 Bavarian Multi-level Elections.
University of Mannheim.
Papers / Reports
Hönnige, Christoph, Victoria A. Bauer, Julian Bernauer, Steffen Zittlau, Volker Epping, Vincent Widdig, Monika Jungbauer-Gans, Axel Oberschelp, Sören Isleib and Anh Nguyen Xuan
The Effect of Germany’s Federalism on Student Success : The “Index of Commitment“ as Comparative Measure for Study and Examination Regulations.
[LCSS Working Papers; 16]
Conference Presentations
Gschwend, Thomas, Sebastian Sternberg and Steffen Zittlau
Are Judges Political Animals After All? Quasi-experimental Evidence from the German Federal Constitutional Court.
[6th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Brussels, June 23rd to June 25th, 2016]
Gschwend, Thomas, Sebastian Sternberg and Steffen Zittlau
Are Judges Political Animals after All? Quasi-Experimental Evidence from the German Federal Constitutional Court.
[First Conference on Empirical Legal Studies in Europe (CELSE), University of Amsterdam, June 21st to June 22nd, 2016]
Bol, Damien, Thomas Gschwend, Thomas Zittel and Steffen Zittlau
The Electoral Source of Good Government: A Field Experiment on German MPs.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
Gschwend, Thomas, Lukas F. Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
Valence Campaigning in the 2008 US Congressional Elections.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 03rd to September 06th, 2015]
Zittlau, Steffen
Multi-level spatial voting: Vote switching in EP elections and European integration preferences.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
Gschwend, Thomas, Lukas F. Stötzer and Steffen Zittlau
Why don't you talk about policy? Valence campaigning in the 2008 US Congressional elections.
[4th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Edinburgh, June 19th to June 21st, 2014]