The dynamics of European integration: causes and consequences of institutional choices.
Ann Arbor, MI:
University of Michigan Press.
Prof. Dr. Thomas König

Project director
t.koenig [at] uni-mannheim.de
+49-621-181-2842Postal Address
University Mannheim, MZES
Visiting Address
University Mannheim, MZES
A5, 6
Building A
B3 Democratic Multilevel Governance and Europeanization
BI Associated Projects
RP9 B3 Democratic Multilevel Governance and Europeanization
RP8 B2 Contexts for Democratic Governance
RP7 B3 Democratic Multi-level Governance
RP5 B6 Institutionalization of International Negotiation Systems
RP1-3 Department II: Development Trends and Problems of Democratic Government Systems
Finke, Daniel, Thomas König, Sven-Oliver Proksch and George Tsebelis
Reforming the European Union: Realizing the Impossible.
New Jersey:
Princeton University Press.
König, Thomas
Europa auf dem Weg zum Mehrheitssystem. Gründe und Konsequenzen nationaler und parlamentarischer Integration.
Opladen / Wiesbaden:
Westdeutscher Verlag.
Pappi, Franz Urban, Thomas König and David Knoke
Entscheidungsprozesse in der Arbeits- und Sozialpolitik. Der Zugang der Interessengruppen zum Regierungssystem über Politikfeldnetze: Ein deutsch-amerikanischer Vergleich.
Campus Verlag.
Brouard, Sylvain, Olivier Costa and Thomas König
The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures. The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries.
New York:
[Studies in Public Choice; 26]
König, Thomas, George Tsebelis and Marc Debus
Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies.
New York:
[Studies in Public Choice]
Hug, Simon, and Thomas König
Domestic Structures and Constitution-Building in an International Organization. Special Issue of The Review of International Organizations.
van Deth, Jan W., and Thomas König
Europäische Politikwissenschaft: Ein Blick in die Werkstatt.
Frankfurt/New York:
[Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 4]
König, Thomas, Elmar Rieger and Hermann Schmitt
Europa der Bürger? Voraussetzungen, Alternativen, Konsequenzen.
Frankfurt/New York:
[Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 3]
König, Thomas, Elmar Rieger and Hermann Schmitt
Europäische Institutionenpolitik.
Frankfurt/New York:
[Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 2]
König, Thomas, Elmar Rieger and Hermann Schmitt
Das europäische Mehrebenensystem.
Frankfurt/New York:
Campus Verlag.
[Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 1]
Journal Articles
Hahm, Hyeonho, David Hilpert and Thomas König
Divided We Unite: The Nature of Partyism and the Role of Coalition Partnership in Europe.
American Political Science Review, 118, issue 1, pp. 69-87.
Hahm, Hyeonho, David Hilpert and Thomas König
Divided by Europe: affective polarisation in the context of European elections.
West European Politics, 46, issue 4, pp. 705-731.
König, Thomas, Nick Lin and Thiago N. Silva
Government dominance and the role of opposition in parliamentary democracies.
European Journal of Political Research, 62, issue 2, pp. 594-611.
König, Thomas, Nick Lin, Xiao Lu, Thiago N. Silva, Nikoleta Yordanova and Galina Zudenkova
Agenda Control and Timing of Bill Initiation: A Temporal Perspective on Coalition Governance in Parliamentary Democracies.
American Political Science Review, 116, issue 1, pp. 231 - 248.
König, Thomas, and Guido Ropers
How Gendered Is the Peer-Review Process? A Mixed-Design Analysis of Reviewer Feedback.
PS: Political Science & Politics, 55, issue 1, pp. 135-141.
Hahm, Hyeonho, David Hilpert and Thomas König
Institutional reform and public attitudes toward EU decision making.
European Journal of Political Research, 59, issue 3, pp. 599-623.
König, Thomas, Guido Ropers and Anika Buchmann
Comparative politics and causal evaluation of structural reforms: the case of the UK national minimum wage introduction.
Political Science Research and Methods, 8, issue 2, pp. 301-314.
Hahm, Hyeonho, Thomas König, Moritz Osnabrügge and Elena Frech
Who Settles Disputes? Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
International Organization, 73, issue 4, pp. 881-900.
Flentje, Jan-Erik, Thomas König and Moritz Marbach
Assessing the validity of the Manifesto Common Space Scores.
Electoral Studies, 47, pp. 25-35.
König, Thomas, Moritz Marbach and Moritz Osnabrügge
Left/Right or U? Estimating the Dimensionality of National Party Competition in Europe.
The Journal of Politics, 79, issue 3, pp. 1101–1105.
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
The impact of EU decision-making on national parties’ attitudes towards European integration.
European Union Politics, 18, issue 3, pp. 362-381.
Frech, Elena, Thomas König and Moritz Osnabrügge
Öffentliche Unterstützung von Reformen und ihre Stabilität in Zeiten der Eurokrise - eine experimentelle Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit von Gegenargumenten.
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft, 25, issue 2, pp. 219-245.
Junge, Dirk, Thomas König and Bernd Luig
Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union.
British Journal of Political Science, 45, issue 4, pp. 777-797.
König, Thomas, and Sebastian Köhler
Fiscal Governance in the Eurozone: How Effectively Does the Stability and Growth Pact Limit Governmental Debt in the Euro Countries?.
Political Science Research and Methods, 3, issue 2, pp. 329-351.
König, Thomas
Kanzler, Minister und Sachverständige. Eine Untersuchung der Bedeutung von Vertrauen für die Delegation von Reformen am Beispiel der Hartz-Reformen.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 56, issue 2, pp. 182-210.
König, Thomas, and Daniel Finke
Legislative Governance in Times of International Terrorism.
Journal of Conflict Resolution, 59, issue 2, pp. 262-282.
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
Ministerial Gatekeeping and Parliamentary Involvement in the Implementation Process of EU Directives.
Public Choice, 160, issue 3-4, pp. 501-519.
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
The Strategic Nature of Compliance: An Empirical Evaluation of Law Implementation in the Central Monitoring System of the European Union.
American Journal of Political Science, 58, issue 1, pp. 246 - 263.
Fortunato, David, Thomas König and Sven-Oliver Proksch
Government Agenda-Setting and Bicameral Conflict Resolution.
Political Research Quarterly, 66, issue 4, pp. 938-951.
König, Thomas, Moritz Marbach and Moritz Osnabrügge
Estimating Party Positions across Countries and Time - A Dynamic Latent Variable Model for Manifesto Data.
Political Analysis, 21, issue 4, pp. 468-491.
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Non-conformable, partial and conformable transposition: A competing risk analysis of the transposition process of directives in the EU15.
European Union Politics, 14, issue 1, pp. 46-69.
Angelova, Mariyana, Tanja Dannwolf and Thomas König
How Robust are Compliance Findings? A Research Synthesis.
Journal of European Public Policy, 19, issue 8, pp. 1269-1291.
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
Party Ideology and Legislative Agendas: Estimating Contextual Policy Positions for the Study of EU Decision-Making.
European Union Politics, 13, issue 4, pp. 604-625.
König, Thomas
Politische Steuerung und ergänzende Bürgerbeteiligung.
Forum Wohnen und Stadtentwicklung, 3, issue 2, pp. 70-72.
König, Thomas, Bernd Luig and Stephan Marc Solomon
Sachverständige und der Einfluss von Expertise auf Reformen: Eine räumliche Analyse der Föderalismusreform II.
Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik, 11, issue 3, pp. 307–323.
Finke, Daniel, and Thomas König
Why risk popular ratification failure? A comparative analysis of the choice of the ratification instrument in the 25 Member States of the EU.
Constitutional Political Economy, 20, issue 3-4, pp. 341-365.
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Antwort auf die Replik von Daniel Göler zum Beitrag „Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland“.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 50, issue 1, pp. 80-85.
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
German 'LexIconSpace': Policy Positions and their Legislative Context.
German Politics, 18, issue 3, pp. 345-364.
König, Thomas, and Brooke Luetgert
Troubles with Transposition? Explaining Trends in Member-State Notification and the Delayed Transposition of EU Directives.
British Journal of Political Science, 39, issue 1, pp. 163-194.
König, Thomas, and Dirk Junge
Why Don’t Veto Players Use Their Power?.
European Union Politics, 10, issue 4, pp. 507-534.
König, Thomas
Analysing the Process of EU Legislative Decision-Making. To Make a Long Story Short….
European Union Politics, 9, issue 1, pp. 145-165.
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Das Regieren jenseits des Nationalstaates und der Mythos einer 80-Prozent-Europäisierung in Deutschland.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 49, issue 3, pp. 438-463.
König, Thomas, Daniel Finke and Stephanie Daimer
The Treaty Reform of the EU: Constitutional Agenda-Setting, Intergovernmental Bargains and the Presidency’s Crisis Management of Ratification Failure.
Journal of Common Market Studies, 46, issue 2, pp. 337-363.
König, Thomas
Why do member states empower the European Parliament?.
Journal of European Public Policy, 15, issue 2, pp. 167-188.
Junge, Dirk, and Thomas König
What’s Wrong with EU Spatial Analysis? The Accuracy and Robustness of Empirical Applications to the Interpretation of the Legislative Process and the Specification of Preferences.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 19, issue 4, pp. 465-487.
König, Thomas, Bjorn Lindberg, Sandra Lechner and Winfried Pohlmeier
Bicameral Conflict Resolution in the European Union: An Empirical Analysis of Conciliation Committee Bargains.
British Journal of Political Science, 37, issue 2, pp. 281-312.
König, Thomas
Discontinuity: Another Source for the EU's Democratic Deficit?.
European Union Politics, 8, issue 3, pp. 411,432.
König, Thomas
Divergence or convergence? From ever-growing to ever-slowing European legislative Ddcision making.
European Journal of Political Research, 46, issue 3, pp. 417-444.
König, Thomas, Till Blume and Bernd Luig
Policy Change without Government Change? German Gridlock after the 2002 Election.
German Politics, 12, issue 2, pp. 86-146.
König, Thomas, Bernd Luig, Till Blume, Andrei Danila and Ina Spatz
Politikwandel ohne Regierungswechsel? Eine Anwendung der Vetospielertheorie zur Abschätzung der Politik in Deutschland nach den Wahlen 2002.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 34, issue 3, pp. 508-530.
Bräuninger, Thomas, and Thomas König
The Checks and Balances of Party Federalism. German Federal Government in a Divided Legislature.
European Journal of Political Research, 36, issue 2, pp. 207-234.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Finnland auf dem Weg zum Mehrheitssystem? Eine vergleichende Analyse der politischen Willensbildung vor und nach den finnischen Verfassungsreformen der 90er Jahre.
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 40, issue 1, pp. 40-64.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Reform der EU-Institutionen. Am Mehrheitsprinzip führt kein Weg vorbei.
EU-Magazin, 31, issue 4, pp. 18-22.
König, Thomas, Andrea Volkens and Thomas Bräuninger
Regierungserklärungen von 1949 bis 1998. Eine vergleichende Untersuchung ihrer regierungsinternen und -externen Bestimmungsfaktoren.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 30, issue 3, pp. 641-659.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
A-, B- und C-Länder: Zur Verwendung des Arguments "Sprachgebrauch und benötigte Kategorie".
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 29, issue 2, pp. 350-352.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Az Európai Unió átalakítása a bóvítés jegyében.
Politikatudományi Szemle, 4, issue 1, pp. 107-129.
König, Thomas
Introduction: Modeling Policy Networks.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 10, issue 4, pp. 387-388.
König, Thomas
Regierungswechsel ohne politischen Wandel? Ein Vergleich des wirtschaftspolitischen Handlungsspielraums der Regierung Kohl, einer Regierung Schröder, einer Großen Koalition und einer SPD-Alleinregierung.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 29, issue 3, pp. 478-495.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
The Formation of Policy Networks. Preferences, Institutions and Actor's Choices of Information and Exchange Relations.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 10, issue 4, pp. 445-471.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
The Inclusiveness of European Decision Rules.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 10, issue 1, pp. 125-142.
König, Thomas
Politikverflechtungsfalle oder Parteienblockade? Das Potential für politischen Wandel im deutschen Zweikammersystem.
Zeitschrift für Staatswissenschaft und Staatspraxis, 2, pp. 135-159.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Brechtel
Vom Korporatismus zum Etatismus? Ein Vergleich der arbeits- und sozialpolitischen Vermittlungsstrukturen vor und nach der Vereinigung.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 4, pp. 702-727.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Wie wichtig sind die Länder für die Politik bei Einspruchs- und Zustimmungsgesetzen?.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 28, issue 4, pp. 605-628.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Power and Political Coordination in American and German Multi-chamber Legislation.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 3, pp. 331-360.
König, Thomas
The Constitutional Development of European Integration.
Journal of Theoretical Politics, 4, pp. 553-559.
König, Thomas
Die Koordination in politischen Verhandlungssystemen.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 47, issue 2, pp. 268-294.
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Thomas König
Les organisations centrales dans les réseaux du domaine politique: une comparaison Allemagne - Etats-Unis dans le champ de la politique du travail.
Revue francaise de sociologie, XXXVI, pp. 725-742.
Book Chapters
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Decisiveness and Inclusiveness: Two Aspects of the Intergovernmental Choice of European Voting Rules.
Pp. 151-167 in:
Manfred J. Holler, Hannu Nurmi
Power, Voting, and Voting Power: 30 Years After.
Berlin, Heidelberg:
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Does Europeanization Change Executive-Parliament Relations? Executive Dominance and Parliamentary Responses in Germany.
Pp. 95-108 in:
Sylvain Brouard, Olivier Costa, Thomas König
The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures: The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries.
New York:
König, Thomas, Tanja Dannwolf and Brooke Luetgert
EU Legislative Activities and Domestic Politics.
Pp. 21-38 in:
Sylvain Brouard, Olivier Costa, Thomas König
The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures.
New York:
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Going Beyond: Causes of Europeanization.
Pp. 223-240 in:
Sylvain Brouard, Olivier Costa, Thomas König
The Europeanization of Domestic Legislatures: The Empirical Implications of the Delors' Myth in Nine Countries.
New York:
König, Thomas, and Dirk Junge
Agenda Setting.
Pp. 48-53 in:
Bertrand Badie
International Encyclopedia of Political Science.
Thousand Oaks, CA:
König, Thomas, and Dirk Junge
Conflict Resolution in the Council by Linkage of Commission Proposals.
Pp. 76-88 in:
Renaud Dehousse
The 'Community Method'. Obstinate or Obsolete?.
Palgrave Macmillan.
König, Thomas, Bernd Luig, Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin
Measuring Policy Positions of Veto Players in Parliamentary Democracies.
Pp. 69 - 95 in:
Thomas König, George Tsebelis, Marc Debus
Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies.
New York:
König, Thomas, and Marc Debus
Veto Players, Reform Processes and Policy Change: Concluding Remarks.
Pp. 269-283 in:
Thomas König, George Tsebelis, Marc Debus
Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies.
New York:
König, Thomas, and Dirk Junge
Why Don't Veto Players Use Their Power?.
Pp. 165-186 in:
Thomas König, George Tsebelis, Marc Debus
Reform Processes and Policy Change: Veto Players and Decision-Making in Modern Democracies.
New York:
Hug, Simon, and Thomas König
Domestic Structures and constitution-building in an international organization: Introduction.
Pp. 105-113 in:
Simon Hug, Thomas König
Special Issue of 'The Review of International Organizations'.
Springer Verlag.
König, Thomas
Das Europäische Puzzle oder: Warum das Europäische Parlament an Macht gewonnen hat.
Pp. 59-74 in:
Nils C. Bandelow, Wilhelm Bleek
Einzelinteressen und kollektives Handeln in modernen Demokratien. Festschrift für Ulrich Widmaier.
Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften.
König, Thomas, Stephanie Daimer and Daniel Finke
Der Verfassungsvertrag: Die beste Lösung? Eine Analyse der Optionen der deutschen Ratspräsidentschaft.
Pp. 62-82 in:
WeltTrends-Papiere 2, Die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft 2007 - Ende der Verfassungskrise?.
König, Thomas, and Daniel Finke
Reforming the Equilibrium? Veto Players and Policy Change in the European Constitution-building Process.
Pp. 153-176 in:
Simon Hug, Thomas König
Special Issue of 'The Review of International Organizations'.
Springer Verlag.
König, Thomas, and Stephanie Daimer
Vorwort – Die deutsche EU-Ratspräsidentschaft 2007 und die Zukunft der europäischen Verfassung.
Pp. 4-6 in:
WeltTrends-Papiere 2, Die deutsche Ratspräsidentschaft 2007 - Ende der Verfassungskrise?.
Bräuninger, Thomas, and Thomas König
Die Einrichtung von Abstimmungsregeln zur Nutzung globaler Gemeinschaftsgüter. Das Beispiel der Meeresbodenbehörde.
Pp. 132-159 in:
Karl-Ernst Schenk, Dieter Schmidtchen, Manfred E. Streit, Viktor Vanberg
Globalisierung und Rechtsordnung: Zur Neuen Institutionenökonomik internationaler Transaktionen.
Mohr Siebeck.
König, Thomas
From Corporatism to Etatism. German Policy Networks Before and After Unification.
Pp. 367-386 in:
Stuart S. Nagel
Handbook of Global Economic Policy.
New York:
JAI Press.
König, Thomas
Von der Politikverflechtung in die Parteienblockade? Probleme und Perspektiven der deutschen Zweikammergesetzgebung.
Pp. 63-85 in:
Max Kaase, Günther Schmid
Eine lernende Demokratie. 50 Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland.
Hoffmann-Lange, Ursula, and Thomas König
Politische Eliten.
Pp. 450-455 in:
Otfried Jarren, Ulrich Sarcinelli, Ulrich Saxer
Politische Kommunikation in der demokratischen Gesellschaft.
Westdeutscher Verlag.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
Europäische Integration: Institutionenpolitik zwischen parlamentarismus und Intergouvernementalismus.
Pp. 267-288 in:
Thomas König, Elmar Rieger, Hermann Schmitt
Europäische Institutionenpolitik.
Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi and Thomas König
Exchange Processes.
Pp. 152-188 in:
David Knoke, Jeffrey Broadbent, Yutaka Tsujinaka
Comparing Policy Networks.
Cambridge University Press.
König, Thomas, and Ulrike Liebert
Germany: Party Influence or Chancellor Rule?.
Pp. 78-90 in:
Jean Blondel, Maurizio Cotta
Party and Government. An Inquiry into the Relationship between Governments and Supporting Parties in Liberal Democracies.
Macmillan Press.
König, Thomas
Vom Intergouvernementalimus zum Parlamentarismus? Eine institutionelle Analyse der europäischen Mehrkammer-Gesetzgebung von 1958-1995.
Pp. 70-98 in:
Thomas König, Elmar Rieger, Hermann Schmitt
Das europäische Mehrebenensystem.
Frankfurt/New York:
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Thomas König
Informationsaustausch in politischen Netzwerken.
Pp. 111-131 in:
Dorothea Jansen, Klaus Schubert
Netzwerke und Politikproduktion. Konzepte, Methoden, Perspektiven.
Schüren Presseverlag.
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Thomas König
Peak Organisations in policy domain networks. The German and American labour policy domain compared.
Pp. 41-53 in:
Martin G. Everett, Keith Rennols
International Conference on Social Networks, London.
Greenwich University Press.
MZES Working Papers
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
The Myth of 80% and the Impact of Europeanisation on German Legislation.
[Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung: Arbeitspapiere; 118]
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
The Constitutional Choice of Rules. An Application of the Absolute and Relative Power Concepts to European Legislation.
[Arbeitsbereich II; 17]
König, Thomas
From Intergovernmentalism to Party Politics? An Institutional Power Analysis of European Multi-Chamber Legislation from 1958 to 1995.
[Arbeitsbereich II; 11]
König, Thomas
Intergouvernementale versus Supranationale Politikfeldstrukturen. Eine Konzeption prototypischer Interaktionsmuster privater und politischer Akteure für den Vergleich europäischer Politikbereiche.
[Arbeitsbereich II; 03]
Papers / Reports
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Bürokratisierung oder Politisierung? Eine Untersuchung der Umsetzungseffekte von Europäischen Richtlinien in den Mitgliedstaaten der Europäischen Union im Zeitraum von 1985-2003.
[Speyerer Forschungsberichte ]
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
The delegation of transposition powers in the member states of the EC: From a transaction cost perspective.
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
From an Ever-Growing Towards an Ever-Slower Union?.
[Europa-Institut, Abteilung Volkswirtschaftslehre: Forschungsbericht]
König, Thomas, and Heiner Schulz
The Efficiency of Legislative Decision Making in the European Union. An Event-History Analysis of EU Decision Making Speed.
[Berkeley Working Paper Series]
König, Thomas, and Thomas Bräuninger
The Institutional Politics of Enlargement. Diverging Goals for Reforming EU-Legislation.
[NEMEU Working Paper]
Web Publications
Gschwend, Thomas, Thomas König and Marcel Neunhoeffer
Wie das bayerische Wahlrecht die CSU begünstigt,
Zeit Online, 2018 more
Conference Presentations
König, Thomas
National Partyism. From Institutional Choices Toward Euroskeptic Populism in European Integration.
[1st CefES International Conference on European Studies, Milano, June 10th to June 11th, 2020]
König, Thomas
Brexit Debate – EPS Symposium.
[11th ECPR General Conference, Oslo, September 06th to September 09th, 2017]
König, Thomas
Chair/Roundtable: Opportunities and Challenges for Data/Material Archiving of Published Research.
[113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, August 30th to September 03rd, 2017]
König, Thomas, Nick Lin and Katsunori Seki
Challenging Governments: Committee Leadership and the Role of the Opposition in Parliamentary Democracies.
[7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan, June 22nd to June 24th, 2017]
König, Thomas
Gender in the Journals: Exploring Potential Biases in Editorial Processes.
[113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, August 30th to September 03rd, 2017]
König, Thomas, Bernd Luig and Milena Wittwer
Multiparty Governance, Strategic Implementation and Compliance with International Law.
[Bocconi University, Milan, February 27th to February 28th, 2017]
König, Thomas
Political economy of structural, fiscal ans institutional reforms in EU countries.
[European Central Bank, Frankfurt/Main, May 12th, 2017]
König, Thomas
Still the Century of Intergovernmentalism? Partisan Ideology Two-level Bargains and Informal Governance in the Post-Maastricht Era.
[7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan, June 22nd to June 24th, 2017]
König, Thomas, Hyeonho Hahm, Moritz Osnabrügge and Elena Frech
Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes Toward TTIP: A Conjoint Analysis.
[7th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Milan, June 22nd to June 24th, 2017]
König, Thomas, Hyeonho Hahm and Elena Frech
Treaty Design and Trade Attitudes: A Conjoint Analysis of Public Support for the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP).
[10th Annual Conference on The Political Economy of International Organizations, University of Bern, January 12th to January 14th, 2017]
König, Thomas
Understanding Academic Publishing.
[113th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, San Francisco, CA, August 30th to September 03rd, 2017]
König, Thomas
Vorlesung: European and Political Economy.
[Ben Gurion Universität, Beer Sheva, October 15th to October 18th, 2017]
König, Thomas, Bernd Luig and Milena Wittwer
Coalition Governance, Strategic Implementation and Compliance with International Law.
[74th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 07th to April 10th, 2016]
König, Thomas, Patrick Bayer and Brooke Luetgert
Bargaining under Uncertainty: An Empirical Analysis of Changes in Government Positions at the Nice Intergovernmental Conference.
[8th Annual Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Berlin, February 12th to February 14th, 2015]
König, Thomas
Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2016]
König, Thomas
Competitive Agenda Setting in Parliamentary Democracies.
[Conference on Elections: Behaviours, Institutions and Reforms, Toulouse School of Economics,Toulouse, March 26th to March 27th, 2015]
König, Thomas
European Integration and Legislative Patterns of Democracy.
[111th Annual Conference of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, September 03rd to September 06th, 2015]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
European Integration and Legislative Patterns of Democracy.
[5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Vienna, June 25th to June 27th, 2015]
König, Thomas
European Integration and Party Support.
[CAU Universität Kiel, Ringvorlesung 350 Jahre CAU, Kiel, June 03rd, 2015]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
National Political Parties and their Positions towards European Integration: Distributional and Informational Implications of EU Decision-Making for National Party Competition.
[Workshop on European Integration, Universität Konstanz, November 13th, 2014]
Junge, Dirk, Thomas König and Bernd Luig
Legislative Gridlock and Bureaucratic Politics in the European Union.
[3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
König, Thomas
Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen Subsidiarität und europäischer Gesetzgebung.
[Symposium „Föderalismus und Subsidiarität“ anlässlich der 60. Wiederkehr der Verkündigung der Landesverfassung des Landes Baden-Württemberg, Walter Eucken Institut, Freiburg, March 07th to March 08th, 2013]
König, Thomas
Nationale Wahlen und ihre Auswirkungen auf Europa.
[Ringvorlesung “Bundestagswahl 2013“, Institut für Politikwissenschaft, Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz, May 15th, 2013]
König, Thomas, Mariyana Angelova and Sven-Oliver Proksch
Parties, Experts, and the Legislative Agenda.
[3rd Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Parlament de Catalunya and Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
König, Thomas, Mariyana Angelova and Sven-Oliver Proksch
Policy Demands and Accountability: How Voters Evaluate Legislative Activities of Coalition Governments.
[3rd Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association“ (EPSA), Parlament de Catalunya and Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
König, Thomas, and Sebastian Köhler
Political Uncertainty and the Success of Reforms.
[3rd Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association“ (EPSA), Parlament de Catalunya and Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
Strategic Gatekeeping and the Implementation of Globalized Policies in Parliamentary Democracies.
[3rd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), Parlament de Catalunya and Institut Verdaguer, Barcelona, June 20th to June 22nd, 2013]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
Ministerial Power and Oversight by Domestic Parliaments in the Implementation Process of EU Directives.
[Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, September 13th to September 15th, 2012]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
Party Ideology and Legislative Agendas: Estimating Contextual Policy Positions for the Study of EU Decision-Making.
[Sixth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, Tampere, September 13th to September 15th, 2012]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
The Conditionality of Parliamentary Oversight: Ministerial Gatekeeping and Party Pivots in the Implementation Process of Directives.
[2nd Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, Berlin, June 21st to June 23rd, 2012]
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
A Strategic Model of Compliance and Enforcement.
[The Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), 4th Annual Conference, Zurich, January 27th to January 29th, 2011]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
Estimating Context-Related Policy Preferences.
[ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, St. Gallen, April 12th to April 17th, 2011]
König, Thomas, and Bernd Luig
The Conditionality of Parliamentary Scrutiny: Ministerial Gatekeeping and Median Positions in Parliamentary Legislatures.
[69th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, March 31st to April 03rd, 2011]
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
The German Chapter.
[Delors’ Myth Meeting, University of Barcelona, Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences, January 21st to January 23rd, 2011]
König, Thomas
Abstimmung per Plebiszit und im Parlament. Eine vergleichende Analyse der Ratifikationsprozesse zur Europäischen Vertragsreform.
[Cege-Symposium “ Zur Bedeutung von Referenden für den Europäischen Integrationsprozess“, Göttingen, May 08th, 2009]
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Cabinets and the transportation of EC directives.
[2nd Conference on the Political Economy of International Organizations (PEIO), Genf, January 29th to January 31st, 2009]
König, Thomas
Cabinets and the Transposition of EU Directives.
[Workshop on Public Opinion, Institutions and Representation in the European Union, Stanford University, Stanford, April 07th, 2009]
König, Thomas
Experten und Positionen. Eine räumliche Analyse der Föderalismusreform.
[Bewertung der Ergebnisse der Föderalismusreform II, Dresden, May 07th, 2009]
König, Thomas
Implementing correct and on time? A comparative study of the transposition record of EU member states on EC directives.
[Princeton International Relations Faculty Colloquium, Princeton University, November 10th, 2009]
König, Thomas
Measuring the Europeanization of Law-making in Institutional Context: From Executive Dominance to Parliamentary Scrutiny.
[Measuring the Europeanization of Public Policies Beyond the 80%-Myth, WZB, Berlin, February 27th to February 28th, 2009]
König, Thomas, Bernd Luig, Sven-Oliver Proksch and Jonathan B. Slapin
Policy Dimensionality and Legislative Activity in Parliamentary Democracies.
[67th Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 02nd to April 05th, 2009]
König, Thomas
[Workshop “Model European Union”, European Parliament Strasbourg, April 26th, 2009]
König, Thomas
The Europeanization of Domestic Politics: From Executive Dominance to Parliamentary Scrutiny.
[Presentation, University of Milan, Graduate School, June 19th, 2009]
König, Thomas
The Status Quo Bias on the EU Budget (Heikki Kauppi/Mika Widgren).
[BEPA Workshop on the Political Economy of EU Public Finances, Brüssel, European Commission, February 05th, 2009]
König, Thomas, and Lars Mäder
Compliance within the European Union.
[Fourth Pan-European Conference on EU Politics, University of Latvia, Riga, September 25th to September 27th, 2008]
König, Thomas
Imputing Legislator's Missing Positions: A Strategic View.
[Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), Boston, Massachusetts, August 28th to August 31st, 2008]
König, Thomas
Why do Member States waste their Time? Legislative Oversight in the EU Decision Making Process.
[Conference on “Designing Democratic Institutions”, LSE, London, May 13th to May 15th, 2008]
König, Thomas
Why do Veto players use their Power?.
[The Political Economy of International Organizations, PEIO Conference, Ascona, February 03rd to February 08th, 2008]
König, Thomas
Why do Veto Players Waste their Time? Commissioners’ Proposal Power and Member States’ Scrutiny in EU Legislative Decision Making.
[Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 03rd to April 06th, 2008]
König, Thomas
Why do Veto Players waste their Time? Proposal Power and Legislative Oversight in the Decision Making Process of the European Union.
[ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Rennes, April 11th to April 16th, 2008]
Luetgert, Brooke, and Thomas König
Policy Evaluation and Public Support for European Integration.
[Annual Meeting of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 03rd to April 08th, 2008]
König, Thomas
Barry R. Weingast: "Second Generation Fiscal Federalism: Implications for Decentralized Democratic Governance and Economic Developement".
[Conference on Fiscal Federalism: Intergovernmental Relations, Competition and Accountability, Social Science Research Center Berlin (WZB), October 18th to October 20th, 2007]
König, Thomas
Designing tools for ex ante resource policy assessment.
[4th ECPR General Conference, The implementation of community law in the member states of the European Union, University of Pisa, September 06th to September 09th, 2007]
König, Thomas
Domestic structures and European Integration. A multi-stage two-level analysis of constitution building in the European Union: research design and first results.
[5th DAAD-Summer School 2007 on The European Constitution-building Process, Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen, Nonnweiler, August 19th to August 29th, 2007]
König, Thomas
Is qualified Majority voting more effective.
[Connex Workshop: New Modes of Governance, Sciences Po, November 29th, 2007]
König, Thomas
The Delegation of transition powers in the member states of the EC.
[2. Konferenz des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms Institutionelle Gestaltung föderaler Systeme, Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin für Sozialforschung (WZB), August 31st to September 02nd, 2007]
König, Thomas
Why do veto players waste their time.
[The Impact of Enlargement on the EU Institutions, Prague, November 22nd to November 23rd, 2007]
König, Thomas
Why don’t Veto players use their power?.
[APPC Summer School, Turku School of Economics, September 20th to September 22nd, 2007]
König, Thomas
Why risk popular failure? A comparative study on the choice of the ratification instrument in 25 member states of the EU.
[New Doctrinal Perspectives and Empirical Findings, Separation of powers, University of Haifa, December 19th to December 21st, 2007]