National Interministerial Co-ordination and International Negotiations: A Model and Explanation of the Amsterdam Treaty

Research question/goal: 

The aims of the project was to analyse the negotiation process and the outcome of the Intergovernmental Conference (IGC) 1996 leading to the Amsterdam Treaty. Specifically, we wanted to reach the following aims:

  1. Identification of the domestic formal and informal structures of EU member states responsible for the preparation of this IGC.
  2. Identification of intranational as well as international preference constellations with regard to the agenda of the IGC 1996.
  3. Quantitative analytical reconstruction of the negotiation process.
  4. Empirical assessment of the implications of intranational, transnational, international and supranational factors on European constitution building.

Fact sheet

1999 to 2002
Data Sources: 
Elite Interviews, Documents, Official Statistics
Geographic Space: 



Thurner, Paul W. (2006): Die graduelle Konstitutionalisierung der Europäischen Union. Eine quantitative Fallstudie am Beispiel der Regierungskonferenz 1996. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck. [Einheit der Gesellschaftswissenschaften; 136] more
Pappi, Franz Urban, Eibe Riedel, Paul W. Thurner and Roland Vaubel (Eds.) (2004): Die Institutionalisierung internationaler Verhandlungen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. [Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 8] more
Stoiber, Michael (2003): Die nationale Vorbereitung auf EU-Regierungskoferenzen. Interministerielle Koordination und kollektive Entscheidung. Frankfurt: Campus. [Mannheimer Beiträge zur politischen Soziologie und positiven politischen Theorie; 8] more