Negotiation and Institutionalization: Explaining International Institutional Choice and Comparing the Performance of Negotiations within Different Institutional Settings

Research question/goal: 

We reconstruct and explain international institution-building as a result of negotiation systems. We research whether existing international institutions facilitate international conflict resolution and and whether they induce and stabilize sustainable cooperation. Institutional and organizational economics is the guiding theorietical perspective. Main hypotheses are empirically tested with selected case studies, with a special focus on European Union integration.

Fact sheet

2003 to 2005
Data Sources: 
Elite survey, Official Data, Secondary Analysis
Geographic Space: 



Linhart, Eric (2006): Die Erklärungskraft spiel- und tauschtheoretischer Verhandlungsmodelle in Abhängigkeit vom Institutionalisierungsgrad des Verhandlungssystems. Mannheim: Mannheim University Press. more
Riedel, Eibe, and Dirk Hanschel (Eds.) (2005): Institutionalization of International Negotiation Systems - Theoretical Concepts and Practical Insights (Conference Report). Mannheim: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung. more
Pappi, Franz Urban, Eibe Riedel, Paul W. Thurner and Roland Vaubel (Eds.) (2004): Die Institutionalisierung internationaler Verhandlungen. Frankfurt/New York: Campus. [Mannheimer Jahrbuch für Europäische Sozialforschung; 8] more