Statistical Sources of for Social Research on Western Europe 1945-1995: A Guide to Social Statistics

Research question/goal: 

The main task of the project is to provide a bibliographical documentation of social statistics and of selected fields of economic statistics for the West European nations for the time period since World War II. The purpose of the book is not only to present a simple bibliography, but also a guide to social statistics. The intention of the publication is to answer questions raised by users of official statistics concerning general and specific problems when searching for data sources. It is intended to build up a basis for comparative research with aggregate data on Western Europe. The book was published in 1998 by Leske and Budrich (Opladen) under the title "Statistical Sources for Social Research on Western Europe 1945-1995: A Guide to Social Statistics".

Fact sheet

1989 to 1994
Geographic Space: 
International and supranational organizations including Western Europe. The 18 countries of Western Europe



Rothenbacher, Franz (1998): Statistical Sources for Social Research on Western Europe 1945-1995. Opladen: Leske + Budrich. [Europe in Comparison - A Series of Guidebooks for the Social Sciences; 6] more