The Impact of the Economic Crisis on Youth Labour Markets in Europe
Looking at age-specific unemployment rates reveals that the recent economic crisis particularly hit young people. Therefore, concerns of creating a "lost generation" have been raised as the exclusion from the labour market can have far-reaching negative consequences for young people. Against this background this research project investigated if the economic crisis has deteriorated the already disadvantaged position of young people in the labour market. Taking a European comparative perspective the aim of the project was to obtain new insights about which institutional arrangements and policy measures can protect youth from the impact of an economic crisis.
The empirical analyses were based on comparative micro data of the European Labour Force Survey (EULFS). The labour market positions of young people were examined in a multidimensional perspective during the economic crisis. Specifically, both risks of labour market exclusion in terms of various types of non-employment and risks of different types of precarious employment were investigated.
First results were presented at international conferences and a first publication appeared as a report on youth transitions in Europe in times of the economic crisis. The project of three years planned duration ended ahead of time because Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts (MWK) Baden-Württemberg stopped funding already after seven months because the project leader was appointed as a full professor in another German federal state.