The Prospects for EU Democracy After Eastern Enlargement

Research question/goal: 

It was the objective of this co-operative project to engage in primary research in order to enhance our understanding of the legitimacy and the democratic quality of European Union government. This objective was reached by the development of a normative theoretical framework of legitimate democratic government including three basic dimensions: identity, representation and accountability, and performance; and an empirical evaluation by means of public opinion surveys and content analysis of the performance of the European Union on each of these dimensions.

Fact sheet

2003 to 2007
Data Sources: 
representative mass surveys and content analyses of frontpag
Geographic Space: 
European Union and Accession Countries



Schmitt, Hermann (Ed.) (2010): European Parliament Elections after Eastern Enlargement. London: Routledge. more
Schmitt, Hermann (Ed.) (2009): European Parliament Elections after Eastern Enlargement (Special Issue: Journal of European Integration 31,5). Oxford: Routledge. more
Niedermayer, Oskar, and Hermann Schmitt (Eds.) (2005): Europawahl 2004. Wiesbaden: Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. more