(In Press):
Media impact on perceptions in postwar societies: Insights from Nepal.
Conflict Management and Peace Science, (publ. online before print).
Journal articles in press (ordered by input date)
(In many cases published online before print. Klick » more for details.)
(In Press):
Group boundaries in the Netherlands: how religion and ethnicity matter for social integration.
European Sociological Review, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
Attitudes on Data Use for Public Benefit: Investigating Context-Specific Differences Across Germany, Spain, and the United Kingdom With a Longitudinal Survey Experiment.
Social Media + Society, 10, issue 4, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
Perceptions of Electoral Integrity and Election-Related (Non-)Compliance: Evidence from Germany.
Political Studies, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
How to place non-majoritarian institutions and political actors in a common policy space: Spatial modeling of court–executive interactions.
The Journal of Politics, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
Bisexual Erasure and Homophobia – Attitudinal Patterns Under Consideration of Sexual Identity.
European Journal of Politics and Gender, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
Nonparticipation bias in accelerometer-based studies and the use of propensity scores.
Social Science Computer Review, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
Tap water consumption choices in out-of-home settings: insights from a survey of German adults.
International Journal of Water Resources Development , (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
On the Association of Attitudes Toward NATO and Weapon Deliveries for Ukraine with Vote Intentions in Germany.
German Politics, (publ. online before print).
(In Press):
Inequality in participation in shadow education in mathematics in Europe: An intersectional perspective.
European Educational Research Journal, (publ. online before print).