Jale Tosun, Jennifer Shore
The Scope of European NEET Outreach Measures

CUPESSE Policy Brief; 5
8 p.
Heidelberg University

The fifth policy brief provides an overview of outreach measures targeting a group of young people at particular risk of social exclusion: young people under 30 who are neither employed nor involved in education or training, commonly referred to as NEETs. Recognizing the need for specific measures to effectively reach this group, the European Parliament and the European Council decided in May 2014 that public employment services (PES) in the EU member states shall cooperate in an attempt to promote and share best practices of NEET outreach work. Drawing on data from various PES reports, the policy brief compares the scope and variation in NEET outreach work across the European Union and concludes with policy implications to maximise the impact of NEET outreach measures in Europe.