Boosted Kernel Weighting - Using Statistical Learning to Improve Inference From Nonprobability Samples.
Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 9, issue 5, pp. 1088–1113.
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188 results
Data collection using smartphones: Concerns about data sharing and framing effects.
[Joint Statistical Meetings (JSM), (virtual conference), August 08th to August 12th, 2021]
Measuring everyday behavior with smartphone sensors: Potential bias due to device usage.
[AAPOR 76th Annual Conference, (virtual conference), May 11th to May 14th, 2021]
Combining Active and Passive Mobile Data Collection: A Survey of Concerns.
Pp. 657-682 in:
Craig Hill, Paul P. Biemer, Trent Buskirk, Lilli Japec, Antje Kirchner, Stas Kolenikov, Lars E. Lyberg
Big Data Meets Survey Science: A Collection of Innovative Methods.
Hoboken, NJ:
Using smartphone technology for research on refugees: Evidence from Germany.
Sociological Methods & Research, 50, issue 4, pp. 1863-1894.
Pp. 333-340 in:
Ian Foster, Rayid Ghani, Ron S. Jarmin, Frauke Kreuter, Julia Lane
Big data and social science: Data science methods and tools for research and practice.
2nd edition,
Boca Raton:
Chapman and Hall/CRC.
Bleiben oder gehen? Wie soziale Kohäsion die Migrationsabsichten von syrischen Immigrant*innen im Libanon beeinflusst.
[DeZIMinutes; 5]
Cybercrime measurement and issues of validity: Comparing process-generated and survey data in Europe.
[10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), (virtual conference), September 07th to September 10th, 2021]
To migrate or not to migrate? The question of how cohesiveness and discrimination affect migration intentions.
[IAB-ECSR interdisciplinary conference "Refugee migration and integration revisited: lessons from the recent past, (virtual conference), May 27th to May 28th, 2021]
Scrutinizing the “code of silence” in a situation of corruption: Testing a team mechanism of deviant behavior.
[IV ISA Forum of Sociology, (virtual conference), February 23rd to February 28th, 2021]