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187 results

Plenty, Stephanie, Chloe Bracegirdle, Jörg Dollmann and Olivia Spiegler (2021): Changes in young adults' mental well-being before and during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic: disparities between ethnic groups in Germany. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 15, (article no. 69). more
Rettig, Tobias, and Annelies G. Blom (2021): Memory Effects as a Source of Bias in Repeated Survey Measurement. Pp. 3-18 in: Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug (Eds.) Measurement Error in Longitudinal Data. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Rinke, Eike Mark, and Alexander Wuttke (2021): Open Minds, Open Methods: Transparency and Inclusion in the Pursuit of Better Scholarship. PS: Political Science & Politics, 54, issue 2, pp. 281-284. more
Rosset, Jan, and Anna-Sophie Kurella (2021): The electoral roots of unequal representation. A spatial modelling approach to party systems and voting in Western Europe. European Journal of Political Research, 60, issue 4, pp. 785-806. more
Sakshaug, Joseph W., Arkadiusz Wiśniowski, Diego Andres Perez Ruiz and Annelies G. Blom (2021): Combining Scientific and Non-Scientific Surveys to Improve Estimation and Reduce Costs. Pp. 71-93 in: Tamás Rudas, Gábor Péli (Eds.) Pathways Between Social Science and Computational Social Science: Theories, Methods and Interpretations. Wiesbaden: Springer. more
Schaub, Max, and Daniel Auer (2021): Rebel Recruitment and Migration - Evidence from Africa's longest-running insurgency. [Annual Conference of the Swiss Political Science Association, (virtual conference), February 04th to February 05th, 2021] more
Schaub, Max, Johanna Gereke and Delia Baldassari (2021): Strangers in Hostile Lands: Exposure to Refugees and Right-Wing Support in Germany’s Eastern Regions. Comparative Political Studies, 54, issue 3-4, pp. 686–717. more
Scheuring, Sonja, Jonas Voßemer, Anna Baranowska-Rataj and Giulia Tattarini (2021): Does Fixed‑Term Employment Have Spillover Effects on the Well‑Being of Partners? A Panel Data Analysis for East and West Germany. Journal of Happiness Studies, 22, issue 7, pp. 3001 - 3021. more
Schleiter, Petra, Tobias Böhmelt, Lawrence Ezrow and Roni Lehrer (2021): Social Democratic Party Exceptionalism and Transnational Policy Linkages. World politics, 73, issue 3, pp. 512–544. more
Schmitt, Hermann, and Eftichia Teperoglou (2021): Second-order elections and electoral democracy. Pp. 52-66 in: Ignacio Lago (Ed.) Handbook on Decentralization, Devolution and the State. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar. more
