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848 results

Morgenstern, Sandra (2022): How information campaigns (can) influence migration decisions. Findings from several studies in Nigeria. Mannheim [MZES Fokus; 2] more
Möhring, Katja, and Andreas P. Weiland (2022): Couples’ Life Courses and Women’s Income in Later Life: A Multichannel Sequence Analysis of Linked Lives in Germany. European Sociological Review, 38, issue 3, pp. 371–388. more
Mühlböck, Monika, Nadia Steiber and Bernhard Kittel (2022): Learning to keep the faith? Further education and perceived employability among young unemployed. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 43, issue 2, pp. 705–725. more
Müller, Philipp, Chung-hong Chan, Katharina Ludwig, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler (2022): Differential Racism in the News: Using Semi-Supervised Machine Learning to Distinguish Explicit and Implicit Stigmatization of Ethnic and Religious Groups in Journalistic Coverage. [72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022] more
Müller, Philipp, Katharina Ludwig, Chung-hong Chan, Rainer Freudenthaler and Hartmut Wessler (2022): Gruppenbezogener Rassismus im politischen Journalismus? Eine automatisierte Analyse expliziter und impliziter Stigmatisierungen ethnischer und religiöser Gruppen in der medialen Öffentlichkeit Deutschlands. [Jahrestagung der DGPuK-Fachgruppen "Journalistik/Journalismusforschung" und "Kommunikation und Politik", Trier, September 29th to September 30th, 2022] more
Müller, Samuel David, and Marius Sältzer (2022): Twitter made me do it! Twitter's tonal platform incentive and its effect on online campaigning. Information, Communication & Society, 25, issue 9, pp. 1247-1272. more
Rinke, Eike Mark, Timo Dobbrick, Charlotte Löb, Cäcilia Zirn and Hartmut Wessler (2022): Expert-informed topic models for document set discovery. Communication Methods and Measures, 16, issue 1, pp. 39-58. more
Roth, Tobias, and Markus Weißmann (2022): The Role of Parents’ Native and Migrant Contacts on the Labour Market in the School-to-Work Transition of Adolescents in Germany. European Sociological Review, 38, issue 5, pp. 707–724. more
Ruggeri, Kai, Jana Berkessel, Philipe Bujold, Maja Friedemann, Hannes Jarke, Kamilla Knutsen Steinnes, Mary MacLennan, Sahana Quail, Felice Tavera, Sanne Verra, Faisal Naru, Filippo Cavassini and Elizabeth Hardy (2022): A brief history of behavioral and decision sciences. Pp. 18-35 in: Kai Ruggeri (Ed.) Psychology and Behavioral Economics: Applications for Public Policy. 2nd edition, London: Routledge. more
Ruggeri, Kai, Olatz Ojinaga-Alfageme, Amel Benzerga, Jana Berkessel, Maja Friedemann, Renata Hlavova, Marvin Kunz, Nejc Plohl, Felicia Sundström, Tomas Folke, Brian Head and Michael Howlett (2022): Evidence-based policy. Pp. 201-225 in: Kai Ruggeri (Ed.) Psychology and Behavioral Economics: Applications for Public Policy. 2nd edition, London: Routledge. more
