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845 results

Chan, Chung-hong (2022): Bayesian (Comparative) Journalism Studies. [72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022] more
Chan, Chung-hong (2022): An R Package for Detecting Biases in Word Embeddings. [72nd Annual International Communication Association Conference, Paris, May 26th to May 30th, 2022] more
Chan, Chung-hong (2022): sweater: Speedy Word Embedding Association Test and Extras Using R. Journal of Open Source Software, 7, issue 72, (article no. 4036), pp. 1-8. more
Chan, Chung-hong, and Christiane Grill (2022): The Highs in Communication Research: Research Topics With High Supply, High Popularity, and High Prestige in High-Impact Journals. Communication Research, 49, issue 5, pp. 599–626. more
Cheng, Cindy, Amélie Desvars-Larrive, Bernhard Ebbinghaus, Thomas Hale, Alexandra Howes, Lukas Lehner, Luca Messerschmidt, Angeliki Nika, Steve Penson, Anna Petherick, Hanmeng Xu, Alexander Zapf, Yuxi Zhang and Sophia Zweig (2022): Capturing the COVID-19 Crisis through Public Health and Social Measures Data Science. Scientific Data, 9, (article no. 520), pp. 1-9. more
Cohen, Denis, Tim Allinger and Andreas Küpfer (2022): The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply. [Tagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Berlin, May 19th to May 20th, 2022] more
Cornesse, Carina, Barbara Felderer, Marina Fikel, Ulrich Krieger and Annelies G. Blom (2022): Recruiting a Probability-Based Online Panel via Postal Mail: Experimental Evidence. Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 5, pp. 1259-1284. more
Cornesse, Carina, Marisabel Gonzalez Ocanto, Marina Fikel, Sabine Friedel, Ulrich Krieger, Tobias Rettig and Annelies G. Blom (2022): Measurement Instruments for Fast and Frequent Data Collection During the Early Phase of COVID-19 in Germany: Reflections on the Mannheim Corona Study. Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 4, (article no. 2), pp. 1-7. more
Cornesse, Carina, Ulrich Krieger, Marie-Lou Sohnius, Marina Fikel, Sabine Friedel, Tobias Rettig, Alexander Wenz, Sebastian Juhl, Roni Lehrer, Katja Möhring, Elias Naumann, Maximiliane Reifenscheid and Annelies G. Blom (2022): From German Internet Panel to Mannheim Corona Study: Adaptable probability-based online panel infrastructures during the pandemic. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Statistics in Society, 185, issue 3, pp. 773-797. more
Daikeler, Jessica, Ruben L. Bach, Stephanie Eckman and Henning Silber (2022): Motivated Misreporting in Smartphone Surveys. Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 1, pp. 95-107. more
