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845 results

Helbling, Marc (2022): Measuring Immigration Policies and their Effects. [Demscore Workshop, Uppsala University, December 01st to December 02nd, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, and Sandra Morgenstern (2022): Migration aspirations and the perceptions of the political, economic and social environment in Africa. [Kolloquium der Abteilung Migration, Integration, Transnationalisierung (WZB), (virtual), February 16th, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Paul Sniderman and Richard Traunmüller (2022): Inclusion without Assimilation. Open versus Closed Conflicts of Values between Muslims and non-Muslims. [DeZIM FG-Wednesday, (virtual), April 27th, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, Elisabeth Ivarsflaten, Paul Sniderman and Richard Traunmüller (2022): Sacred Spaces, Social Spaces, Political Spaces: Mosques in Western Europe. [118th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Montréal, September 15th to September 18th, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, Mujtaba Isani and Sebastian Jungkunz (2022): Sensitive Measurements? Investigating Extremism in Europe Using Experiments and Implicit Association Tests. [28th International Conference of Europeanists, Lisbon, June 29th to July 01st, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, Rahsaan Maxwell and Richard Traunmüller (2022): Numbers, Selectivity and Generosity. The Conditional Nature of Immigration Policy Preferences. [Public Views of Immigration and Diversity Workshop, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, May 18th, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, Rahsaan Maxwell and Richard Traunmüller (2022): Numbers, Selectivity and Generosity. The Conditional Nature of Immigration Policy Preferences. [DYNAMICS x POLITICS Lecture Series (Hertie School of Governance), (virtual), January 21st, 2022] more
Helbling, Marc, Rahsaan Maxwell, Simon Munzert and Richard Traunmüller (2022): The importance of citizenship for deserving COVID-19 treatment. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 9, (article no. 302) e-only. more
Hellyer, Joshua, and Johanna Gereke (2022): A “Beauty Premium” for Whom? The combined effects of ethnicity and attractiveness on trust. [4th Annual Conference on Experimental Sociology (ACES), Utrecht, August 31st to September 02nd, 2022] more
Hellyer, Joshua, Emily Hellriegel, Johanna Gereke and Reinhard Schunck (2022): Pretty unequal? Ethnicity, Gender and Returns to Physical Attractiveness in Germany. [CEPDISC'22 Conference on Discrimination, Vejle, Denmark, October 24th to October 26th, 2022] more
