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845 results

Keusch, Florian, Sebastian Bähr, Georg-Christoph Haas, Frauke Kreuter and Mark Trappmann (2019): Mobile Datenerhebung in einem Panel: Die IAB-SMART Studie. [Gemeinsame Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Methoden Sektion, Köln, November 15th to November 16th, 2019] more
Kieslich, Pascal J., Felix Henninger, Dirk U. Wulff, Jonas M. B. Haslbeck and Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck (2019): Mouse-tracking: A practical guide to implementation and analysis. Pp. 111-130 in: Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Anton Kühberger, Joseph G. Johnson (Eds.) A Handbook of Process Tracing Methods. 2nd ed., New York, NY: Routledge. more
Kogan, Irena, and Jing Shen (2019): It’s the Economy! Perceptions of Host-Countries’ Institutions and Individual Life Satisfaction of Intra-European Migrants. Frontiers in Sociology, 4, issue 42, pp. 1-16. more
Kogan, Irena, Jörg Dollmann and Markus Weißmann (2019): When your accent betrays you: The role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of the ethnic minority youth in Germany. [ECSR Annual Conference "Inequality over the Life Course", Lausanne, September 12th to September 14th, 2019] more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (2019): Das Institut für Europäische Politik in den 1960er- und frühen 1970er-Jahren: Vom Bildungswerk Europäische Politik zum Institut für Europäische Politik. Pp. 87–109 in: Hartmut Marhold (Ed.) Wegbegleiter der europäischen Integration: 60 Jahre Institut für Europäische Politik. Baden-Baden: Nomos. more
Kortmann, Matthias, and Christian Stecker (2019): Party competition and immigration and integration policies: a comparative analysis. Comparative European Politics, 17, issue 1, pp. 72-91. more
Kortmann, Matthias, Christian Stecker and Tobias Weiß (2019): Filling a Representation Gap? How Populist and Mainstream Parties Address Muslim Immigration and the Role of Islam. Representation: Journal of Representative Democracy, 55, issue 4, pp. 435-456. more
Kosyakova, Yuliya, Lukas Olbrich, Joseph W. Sakshaug and Silvia Schwanhäuser (2019): Identification of interviewer falsification in the IAB-BAMF-SOEP Survey of Refugees in Germany. Nuremberg [FDZ-Methodenreport; 02/2019] more
Krapf, Sandra (2019): Postseparation family arrangements, entry into stepfamily living and child wellbeing. [Colloquium of the Institute of Sociology, Tübingen, July 10th, 2019] more
Kretschmer, David (2019): Explaining Native‐Migrant Differences in Parental Knowledge about the German Educational System. International Migration, 57, issue 1, pp. 281-297. more
