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845 results

Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky (2019): Are there age-specific gender differences in the segregation of Muslim adolescents’ friendship networks?. [4th European Conference on Social Networks (EUSN 2019), Zurich, September 09th to September 12th, 2019] more
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky and Swetlana Nowoshenowa (2019): Gender differences in religious segregation of adolescents’ friendship networks. [ISA RC28 Spring Meeting, Frankfurt, March 21st to March 23rd, 2019] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2019): Analyzing Administrative Data with Privacy Protection in Place. [Workshop "Privacy and the Science of Data Analysis", Berkeley, April 08th to April 12th, 2019] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2019): Investigating the Utility of Interviewer Observations on the Survey Response Process. [Interviewer Workshop at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, NE, February 27th, 2019] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2019): The Social Survey Statistician's Perspective on (Differential). [Workshop "Data Privacy: Foundations and Applications Boot Camp", Berkeley, January 28th to February 01st, 2019] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2019): Understanding Data Generating Processes. [Statistical Reasoning and Thinking Conference, Los Angeles, CA, July 14th, 2019] more
Kreuter, Frauke (2019): Will Differential Privacy Transform Social Science. [SEM 2019 - 6th Annual Conference, Frankfurt, August 16th to August 18th, 2019] more
Kreuter, Frauke, Rayid Ghani and Julia Lane (2019): Change Through Data: A Data Analytics Training Program for Government Employees. Harvard Data Science Review, 1, issue 2, (e-only). more
Kuhnle, Jeremy Jesse (2019): Does Deregulation Lead to Better Economic Performance Among Immigrants? The 2004 Reform of the German Trade and Crafts Code as a Natural Experiment. [ECSR Spring School: “New and Old Data. Cutting-Edge Approaches to Quantitative Social Research”, Turin, March 25th to March 29th, 2019] more
Kuhnle, Jeremy Jesse (2019): Does Deregulation Lead to Better Economic Performance Among Immigrants? The 2004 Reform of the German Trade and Crafts Code as a Natural Experiment. [ECSR Annual Conference "Inequality Over the Life Course", Lausanne, September 12th to September 14th, 2019] more
