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Höhne, Jan Karem, Dagmar Krebs and Steffen-M. Kühnel (2022): Measuring Income (In)equality: Comparing Survey Questions With Unipolar and Bipolar Scales in a Probability-Based Online Panel. Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 1, pp. 108–123. more
Jakob, Julia (2022): Supporting Digital Discourse? The Deliberative Function of Links on Twitter. New Media & Society, 24, issue 5, pp. 1196–1215. more
Jankowski, Michael, Anna-Sophie Kurella, Christian Stecker, Andreas Blätte, Thomas Bräuninger, Marc Debus, Jochen Müller and Susanne Pickel (2022): Die Positionen der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl 2021: Ergebnisse des Open Expert Surveys. Politische Vierteljahresschrift/German Political Science Quarterly, 63, pp. 53-72. more
Juhl, Sebastian, Roni Lehrer, Annelies G. Blom, Alexander Wenz, Tobias Rettig, Ulrich Krieger, Marina Fikel, Carina Cornesse, Elias Naumann, Katja Möhring and Maximiliane Reifenscheid (2022): Preferences for centralized decision-making in times of crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany. Pp. 1–27 in: Jan Sauermann, Markus Tepe, Marc Debus (Eds.) Jahrbuch für Handlungs-und Entscheidungstheorie: Band 12. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Jung, Jae-Hee, and Zeynep Somer-Topcu (2022): United we stand, divided we fall? The effects of parties’ Brexit rhetoric on voters’ perceptions of party positions. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 32, issue 3, pp. 596-614. more
Jäckle, Annette, Alexander Wenz, Jonathan Burton and Mick P. Couper (2022): Increasing participation in a mobile app study: The effects of a sequential mixed-mode design and in-interview invitation. Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology, 10, issue 4, pp. 898–922. more
Kalleitner, Fabian, Monika Mühlböck and Bernhard Kittel (2022): What’s the Benefit of a Video? The Effect of Nonmaterial Incentives on Response Rate and Bias in Web Surveys. Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 3, pp. 700–716. more
Kalter, Frank (2022): Integration in migration societies. Pp. 135-153 in: Klarita Gerxhani, Nan de Graaf, Werner Raub (Eds.) Handbook of Sociological Science. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing. more
Karakasheva, Ralitsa, Jascha Achterberg, Jana Berkessel, Alessia Cottone, Julia Dhar, Jon Jachimowicz, Yuna Lee, Ashley Whillans, Kai Ruggeri and Ludvig Bjorndal (2022): Work and workplace decision-making. Pp. 157-178 in: Kai Ruggeri (Ed.) Psychology and Behavioral Economics: Applications for Public Policy. 2nd edition, London: Routledge. more
Kern, Christoph, Frederic Gerdon, Ruben L. Bach, Florian Keusch and Frauke Kreuter (2022): Humans versus machines: Who is perceived to decide fairer? Experimental evidence on attitudes toward automated decision-making. Patterns, 3, issue 10, (article no. 100591) e-only. more
