General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: Different strategies and their effect on correlations.
Statistics Surveys, 16, pp. 182-209.
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1256 results
General-purpose imputation of planned missing data in social surveys: different strategies and their effect on correlations.
[DAGStat 2022, Hamburg, March 28th to April 01st, 2022]
Understanding political news media consumption with digital trace data and natural language processing.
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A, Statistics in Society, 185, issue S2, pp. S246-S269.
Did the GDPR Increase Trust in Data Collectors? Evidence from Observational and Experimental Data.
Information, Communication & Society, 25, issue 14, pp. 2101-2121.
Constructive and destructive legislative review: The government-opposition divide in parliamentary oversight.
The Journal of Politics, 85, issue 1, pp. 223-239.
Blessed be ye poor? How national religiosity lightens the burden of lower SES.
[Social psychology research colloquium at Aarhus University, Aarhus, December 07th, 2022]
On the importance of replicability in science.
[Annual Workshop of the Centre for Advanced Studies and Exploratory Research of the European Commission, (online keynote), November 16th to November 18th, 2022]
Zuerst die Reichen, dann die Armen: Über die Verbindung zwischen sozialem Status und der Ausbreitung der COVID-19 Pandemie und der Spanischen Grippe.
[Mind-Akademie 2022 (Invited popular science talk at the yearly meeting of the MIND Hochschulnetzwerk), Mannheim, September 30th to October 03rd, 2022]
Pandemics Initially Spread Among People of Higher (Not Lower) Social Status: Evidence From COVID-19 and the Spanish Flu.
Social Psychological and Personality Science, 13, issue 3, pp. 722–733.
Accumulation or absorption? Changing disparities of household non-employment in Europe during the Great Recession.
Socio-Economic Review, 20, issue 1, pp. 141–168.