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1243 results

Krapf, Sandra, Clara H. Mulder and Michael Wagner (2022): The Transition to a Coresidential Partnership: Who Moves and Who Has the Partner Move In?. Population Research and Policy Review, 41, pp. 757–779. more
Kratz, Agatha, Maria Preißinger and Harald Schoen (2022): Changing crises, changing votes? Problem priorities, party competence, and electoral behavior in Germany 2009–2017. Pp. 209-226 in: Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christoph Wolf (Eds.) The Changing German Voter. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Kretschmer, David, and Lars Leszczensky (2022): In-Group Bias or Out-Group Reluctance? The Interplay of Gender and Religion in Creating Religious Friendship Segregation among Muslim Youth. Social Forces, 100, issue 3, pp. 1307–1332. more
Kretschmer, David, Lars Leszczensky and Kathrin Lämmermann (2022): Evaluations and Friendships of Muslim Youth in Germany: The Interplay of Religion and Gender. Results from a Survey Experiment among Young Adults. [14th Conference of the International Network of Analytical Sociologists (INAS), Florence, May 26th to May 27th, 2022] more
Kuhlemann, Jana (2022): Refugees' Time Investments – Differences in the time use of refugees, other immigrants, and the native population in Germany. [RC28 Spring Meeting, London, April 21st to April 23rd, 2022] more
Kuhlemann, Jana (2022): Refugees’ Time Investments - Differences in the time use of refugees, other immigrants, and natives in Germany. [19th IMISCOE Annual Conference, Oslo (hybrid), June 29th to July 01st, 2022] more
Kuhlemann, Jana (2022): Refugees’ Time Investments - Differences in the time use of refugees, other immigrants, and natives in Germany. [ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam, July 06th to July 08th, 2022] more
Kuhlemann, Jana (2022): Refugees' time investments — Differences in the time use of refugees, other immigrants, and natives in Germany. Frontiers in Human Dynamics, (article no. 4:1037778), pp. 1-18. more
Kuhlemann, Jana, and Sandra Krapf (2022): Parental repartnering and child well-being: What role does coresidence play?. Journal of Family Research, 34, issue 2, pp. 823–846. more
Kuppler, Matthias, Christoph Kern, Ruben L. Bach and Frauke Kreuter (2022): From fair predictions to just decisions? Conceptualizing algorithmic fairness and distributive justice in the context of data-driven decision-making. Frontiers in Sociology , 7, (article no. 883999), pp. 1-18. more
