Capturing the COVID-19 Crisis through Public Health and Social Measures Data Science.
Scientific Data, 9, (article no. 520), pp. 1-9.
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1256 results
The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply.
[Tagung des DVPW-Arbeitskreises "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Berlin, May 19th to May 20th, 2022]
The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply.
[12th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Prague, June 23rd to June 25th, 2022]
The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply.
[Annal Conference of the Section Methods of Political Science (DVPW), Hamburg, June 10th, 2022]
The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply.
[2nd Humboldt Political Behavior Workshop, Berlin, September 08th to September 09th, 2022]
The Housing Crisis on Social Media: Housing Markets and the Subnational Diversification of Policy Supply.
[EUI Mini-Conference on Populism, Liberalism and Party Strategies, Florence, October 26th, 2022]
Getting the most out of comparative vote-switching data. A new framework for studying dynamic multi-party competition.
[Kolloquium Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, (virtual), May 03rd, 2022]
Getting the most out of comparative vote-switching data. A new framework for studying dynamic multi-party competition.
[PolMeth Europe 2022, Hamburg, June 11th to June 12th, 2022]
Recruiting a Probability-Based Online Panel via Postal Mail: Experimental Evidence.
Social Science Computer Review, 40, issue 5, pp. 1259-1284.
Measurement Instruments for Fast and Frequent Data Collection During the Early Phase of COVID-19 in Germany: Reflections on the Mannheim Corona Study.
Measurement Instruments for the Social Sciences, 4, (article no. 2), pp. 1-7.