Ethnic discrimination in neighborhood ingroup-outgroup encounters: Reducing threat-perception and increasing fairness as possible solutions.
Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 4, (article no. 4:1038252), pp. 1-15.
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3296 results
Good people commit bad deeds together: A factorial survey on the moral antecedents of situational deviance in peer groups.
Deviant Behavior, 43, issue 11, pp. 1420-1431.
Group morality affects crime: Empirical evidence from the perspective of Situational Action Theory.
[22nd Annual Conference of the European Society of Criminology (Eurocrim 2022), Malaga, September 21st to September 24th, 2022]
New methodical findings on D-efficient factorial survey designs: Impacts of design resolution on aliasing and sample size.
methods, data, analyses, 16, issue 2, pp. 315-334.
Situational Action Theory and the particular case of settings including a group.
European Journal of Criminology, 19, issue 5, pp. 1188-1204.
Social desirability bias and lack of trust in scientific surveys on deviant behavior.
[Workshop "Survey Climate and Trust in Scientific Surveys – Recent Developments and Controversial Issues", Universität Kassel, October 04th to October 05th, 2022]
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[RC28 Spring Meeting, London, April 21st to April 23rd, 2022]
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[7th pairfam Interdisciplinary International Conference, Munich, May 11th to May 13th, 2022]
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[European Population Conference, Groningen, June 29th to July 02nd, 2022]
Family transitions and consequences for children's stress level. A longitudinal analysis based on biomarker.
[ECSR Annual Conference, Amsterdam, July 06th to July 08th, 2022]