Do coalition and formateur expectations affect vote switching?.
European Political Science Review, 15, issue 1, pp. 96–115.
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Can Physical Attractiveness Close the Immigrant-Native Trust Gap?.
[IMEBESS 7th Annual Conference, Lisbon, May 18th to May 20th, 2023]
Gender, Unemployment, and Subjective Well-Being: Why Do Women Suffer Less from Unemployment than Men?.
European Sociological Review, 29, issue 2, pp. 301–316.
Instability of Interethnic Partnerships in Early Adulthood.
[30th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TiY), Edinburgh, September 06th to September 08th, 2023]
Homophily in partnership preferences of migrants and natives in Germany: Evidence from a factorial survey experiment.
[RC28 Spring Meeting "Education and Social Inequality accross the Life Course", Paris, May 24th to May 26th, 2023]
The Integrative Complexity of Online User Comments Across Different Types of Democracy and Discussion Arenas.
The International Journal of Press/Politics, 28, issue 3, pp. 580-600.
Security vs. civil liberties: How citizens cope with threat, restriction, and ideology.
Frontiers in Political Science, 4, (article no. 4:1006711), pp. 1-13.
The Role of Perceived Discrimination on Family Language Policy of Migrants with Two Inherited Familial Languages: The Case of Turkey-origin Migrants in Germany.
[Conference on Approaches to Migration, Language, and Identity (AMLI 2023), Zürich, September 07th to September 08th, 2023]
Reactivity in measuring sensitive online behavior.
Internet Research, 33, issue 3, pp. 1031-1052.
Coverage Error in Data Collection Combining Mobile Surveys with Passive Measurement Using Apps: Data From a German National Survey.
Sociological Methods & Research, 52, issue 2, pp. 841–878.