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Steinmann, Susanne (1999): The Vocational Education and training System in England and Wales. International Journal of Sociology: special issue on 'Globalization and Changes in Vocational Training Systems in Developing and Advanced Industrialized Countries', 28, issue 4, pp. 29-56. more
Stewart, Susan (1999): Ukrainian Nationality Policy and its Effects on the Mobilization Capacity of the Russian Minority. Cahiers Anatole Leroy-Beaulieu, issue 4, pp. 55-62. more
Wijnen, Pieter van (1999): The role of policy preferences in the Dutch national elections of 1998. Acta Politica, 34, pp. 200-235. more
Willekens, Harry (1999): A. Hyde, Bodies of Law. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Rechtsfilosofie en Rechtstheorie, 28, pp. 162-165. more
Willekens, Harry (1999): The Latest in Comparative Family Law. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 9, pp. 13-15. more
Alba, Richard D., Johann Handl and Walter Müller (1998): Ethnic Inequalities in the German School System. Pp. 115-154 in: Peter Schuck, Rainer Münz (Eds.) Paths to Inclusion. The Integration of Migrants in the United States and Germany. New York/Oxford: Berghahn Books. more
Bahle, Thomas (1998): Family Policy in Germany: Towards a Macro-sociological Frame for Analysis. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 7, pp. 21-26. more
Bahle, Thomas, and Franz Rothenbacher (1998): Family Policies in Germany: After Re-unification the Shock of Globalization. Pp. 37-49 in: Developments in National Family Policies in 1996. Brüssel: Europäische Kommission. more
Braun, Günter (1998): New Alliances and Concentration: Swiss Trade Unions in a process of restructuring. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 8, pp. 18-22. more
Braun, Günter, and Hermann Schwenger (1998): New at the MZES: The Archive for Information on Textual Sources - QUIA. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 7, pp. 11-12. more
