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Ishida, Hiroshi, Walter Müller and John Ridge (1995): Class Origin, Class Destination and Education: A Cross-National Study of Ten Industrial Nations. American Journal of Sociology, 101, pp. 145-193. more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1995): Theoretical Perspectives on European Governance. European Law Journal, 1, pp. 115-133. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): Europe's Federal Balance. Pp. 224-237 in: Ulrich Everding, Victor Gunawardana (Eds.) Perspectives of European Integration and South Asian Cooperation. Colombo. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): International and European Cooperation in Scientific Research: A German Point of View. Pp. 233-248 in: Ephraim Ahiram, Alfred Tovias (Eds.) Whither EU-Israeli Relations? Common and Divergent Interests. Frankfurt/Main. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1995): Regionalisation and the Future of International Governance. Pp. 13-27 in: Ulrich Everding, Victor Gunawardana (Eds.) Perspectives of European Integration and South Asian Cooperation. Colombo. more
Kraus, Franz (1995): The Need for Access to European Microdata. EURODATA Newsletter, 2, pp. 9-12. more
Kraus, Franz (1995): Towards an Infrastructure of Comparative Research on Europe. EURODATA Newsletter, 1, pp. 10-12. more
Nuvolati, Giampaolo (1995): Towards a Qualitative Catalogue of Social Indicators for Italy. EURODATA Newsletter, 1, pp. 21-22. more
Pappi, Franz Urban, and Thomas König (1995): Peak Organisations in policy domain networks. The German and American labour policy domain compared. Pp. 41-53 in: Martin G. Everett, Keith Rennols (Eds.) International Conference on Social Networks, London. Greenwich: Greenwich University Press. more
Quick, Michael (1995): Country Profile: Ireland. EURODATA Newsletter, issue 1, pp. 30-32. more
