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Müller, Philipp, and Ruben L. Bach (2023): Populist alternative news use and its role for elections: Web-tracking and survey evidence from two campaign periods. New Media & Society, 25, issue 10, pp. 2663–2683. more
Navarrete, Rosa M., and Marc Debus (2023): The Importance of EU Issues in German Elections. Pp. 205-230 in: Marina Costa Lobo (Ed.) The Impact of EU Politicisation on Voting Behaviour in Europe. London: Palgrave Macmillan. more
Neumann, Manuel (2023): Activating the Right Electorate: Internet Use, Nativism, and Voting for the AfD. Pp. 85 - 106 in: Kathrin Ackermann, Heiko Giebler, Martin Elff (Eds.) Deutschland und Europa im Umbruch - Einstellungen, Verhalten und Forschungsperspektiven im Kontext der Bundestagswahl 2017 und der Europawahl 2019. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Oshri, Odelia, Liran Harsgor, Reut Itzkovitch-Malka and Or Tuttnauer (2023): Risk Aversion and the Gender Gap in the Vote for Populist Radical Right Parties. American Journal of Political Science, 67, issue 3, pp. 701-717. more
Rapp, Milena, and Anna-Sophie Kurella (2023): The asymmetric pattern of voter positions and salience of environmental and immigration issues in European electorates: Incentives for issue expansion of Green and Right parties?. [80th Annual Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association (MPSA), Chicago, IL, April 13th to April 16th, 2023] more
Revilla, Melanie, Jan Karem Höhne and Tobias Rettig (2023): Differences in Measurement Quality Depending on Recall: Results for a Question About Trust in the Parliament. Quality & Quantity, 57, pp. 2125–2146. more
Schaub, Max, and Daniel Auer (2023): Rebel Recruitment and Migration: Theory and Evidence From Southern Senegal. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 67, issue 6, pp. 1155-1182. more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, and Christian Schnaudt (2023): Everyday Political Talk with Strangers: Evidence on a Neglected Arena of the Deliberative System. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64, issue 3, pp. 499–523 . more
Schmitt-Beck, Rüdiger, and Manuel Neumann (2023): Do People like to Discuss Politics? A Study of Citizens' Political Talk Culture. European Political Science Review, 15, issue 3, pp. 373–392. more
Steiner, Nils D., Christian Schimpf and Alexander Wuttke (2023): Left Behind and United by Populism? Populism’s Multiple Roots in Feelings of Lacking Societal Recognition. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 64, pp. 107–132. more
