A pledged community? Using community detection to analyze autocratic cooperation in UN co-sponsorship networks?.
[CoMeS 2020, (virtual conference), September 28th to September 30th, 2021]
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A Video is Worth a Thousand Words — Enriching the Understanding of Foreign Policy Preferences Using Computer Vision.
[PaCSS & PolNet 2020, (virtual conference), August 10th to August 14th, 2020]
Write your own R package.
[Summer School for Women in Political Methodology - Mini conference, (virtual conference), November 27th to November 28th, 2020]
Old-age trajectories of life satisfaction. Do singlehood and childlessness hurt more when people get older?.
Swiss Journal of Sociology, 46, issue 3, pp. 397-424.
The Parenthood and Happiness Link: Testing Predictions from Five Theories.
European Journal of Population, 36, issue 2, pp. 337–361.
Influencing the migration-decision through Information Campaigns. Evidence from a Field Experiment.
[43rd Annual Scientific Meeting of the International Society of Political Psychology (ISPP), (virtual conference), July 14th to July 16th, 2020]
Inequality in employment trajectories during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in Germany.
[Virtual ISA-RC28 conference on Social Stratification under the Coronavirus Pandemic, (virtual conference), August 18th, 2020]
Equality prescribed? Contextual determinants of citizens’ support for gender boardroom quotas across Europe.
Comparative European Politics, 18, issue 4, pp. 560–589.
Lebensläufe und Alterseinkommen von Frauen nach Familienstand – Ergebnisse aus SHARE-RV.
Deutsche Rentenversicherung, 75, issue 2, pp. 198-210.
Die Mannheimer Corona-Studie: Schwerpunktbericht zur Nutzung und Akzeptanz von Homeoffice in Deutschland während des Corona-Lockdowns.