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273 results

Bräuninger, Thomas, Franz Urban Pappi and Anna-Sophie Kurella (2020): Ja. Die Mehrheitswahlkomponente sollte gestärkt werden. Eine Replik. Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 61, issue 1, pp. 1-14. more
Bäck, Hanna, and Marc Debus (2020): Personalized versus partisan representation in the speeches of migrant members of parliament in the German Bundestag. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 43, issue 9, pp. 1673-1691. more
Bähr, Sebastian, Georg-Christoph Haas, Florian Keusch, Frauke Kreuter and Mark Trappmann (2020): Social Networks on Smartphones - Congruency of Online and Offline Networks and Their Effect on Labor Market Outcomes. [32nd Annual SASE Meeting, (virtual conference), July 18th to July 21st, 2020] more
Cernat, Alexandru, and Florian Keusch (2020): Do surveys change behavior? Insights from digital trace data. [6th International Conference on Computational Social Science, (virtual conference), July 17th to July 20th, 2020] more
Chan, Chung-hong, and Marius Sältzer (2020): oolong: An R package for validating automated content analysis tools. Journal of Open Source Software, 5, issue 55, (article no. 2461). more
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Eike Mark Rinke, Kasper Welbers, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus (2020): How Combining Terrorism, Muslim, and Refugee Topics Drives Emotional Tone in Online News: A Six-Country Cross-Cultural Sentiment Analysis. International Journal of Communication, 14, pp. 3569–3594. more
Chan, Chung-hong, Hartmut Wessler, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus (2020): Are Right-Wing Attackers Also Terrorists? An Automated Content Analysis on How Perpetrator Identity Shapes Worldwide English-Language News Coverage of Islamist and Right-Wing Attacks. [70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020] more
Chan, Chung-hong, Jing Zeng, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Joseph Bajjalieh, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus (2020): Reproducible Extraction of Cross-lingual Topics (rectr). Communication Methods and Measures, 14, issue 4, pp. 285-305. more
Chan, Chung-hong, Jing Zeng, Hartmut Wessler, Marc Jungblut, Kasper Welbers, Joseph Bajjalieh, Wouter van Atteveldt and Scott Althaus (2020): Reproducible Extraction of Cross-Lingual Topics Using R. [70th Annual International Communication Association Conference, (virtual conference), May 20th to May 26th, 2020] more
Claassen, Christopher, and Richard Traunmüller (2020): Improving and Validating Survey Estimates of Religious Demography Using Bayesian Multilevel Models with Poststratification. Sociological Methods & Research, 49, issue 3, pp. 603–636. more
