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1658 results

Florczak, Christoffer, and Robert Klemmensen (2020): Denmark: The politics of compromise and minority government governance. Pp. 147-163 in: Matt Evans (Ed.) Coalition Government as a Reflection of a Nation’s Politics and Society : A Comparative Study of Parliamentary Parties and Cabinets in 12 Countries. Abingdon: Routledge. more
Gereke, Johanna, and Heiko Rauhut (2020): Öffentliche Güter und kollektives Handeln. Pp. 200-214 in: Andreas Tutić (Ed.) Rational Choice. Oldenbourg: De Gruyter. more
Gill, Jeff, and Richard Traunmüller (2020): Bayesianische Inferenz als Alternative zur klassischen Statistik. Pp. 671-697 in: Claudius Wagemann, Achim Goerres, Markus Siewert (Eds.) Handbuch Methoden der Politikwissenschaft. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Graeff, Peter, and Julia Kleinewiese (2020): Esprit de corps as a source of deviant behavior in organizations: Applying an old concept with a new livery. Pp. 219-245 in: Markus Pohlmann, Gerhard Dannecker, Elizangela Valarini (Eds.) Bribery, Fraud, Cheating: How to Explain And to Avoid Organizational Wrongdoing?. Wiesbaden: Springer VS. more
Gärtner, Lea, Harald Schoen and Alexander Wuttke (2020): Ties That No Longer Bind? Effects and Responsiveness of Party Attachments in a Period of Crises. Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, Christof Wolf (Eds.) The Changing German Voter. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Helbling, Marc (2020): Migration Governance at the State Level: Policy Developments and Effects. Pp. 121-136 in: Tim Krieger, Diana Panke, Michael Pregering (Eds.) Environmental Conflicts, Migration and Governance. Bristol: Bristol University Press. more
Horwitz, Rachel, Sarah Brockhaus, Felix Henninger, Pascal J. Kieslich, Malte Schierholz, Florian Keusch and Frauke Kreuter (2020): Learning from Mouse Movements: Improving Questionnaire and Respondents’ User Experience through Passive Data Collection. Pp. 403-425 in: Paul C. Beatty, Debbie Collins, Lyn Kaye, Jose-Luis Padilla, Gordon B. Willis, Amanda Wilmot (Eds.) Advances in Questionnaire Design, Development, Evaluation and Testing. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. more
Kern, Christoph (2020): Machine Learning Interpretation Tools. Pp. 1-12 (e-only) in: Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug, Richard Williams (Eds.) SAGE Research Methods Foundations. London: SAGE. more
Keusch, Florian (2020): Gamification in Web Surveys. Pp. 1-8 (e-only) in: Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug, Richard Williams (Eds.) SAGE Research Methods Foundations. London: SAGE. more
Keusch, Florian, and Frauke Kreuter (2020): Zukunft der Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Markt- und Sozialforschung. Pp. 3-25 in: Bernhard Keller, Hans-Werner Klein, Alexandra Wachenfeld-Schell, Thomas Wirth (Eds.) Marktforschung für die Smart Data World: Chancen, Herausforderungen und Grenzen. Wiesbaden: Springer/Gabler. more
