Studie: Lobbying in Europa.
[Verbändereport – das Fachmagazin für die Führungskräfte der Verbände; 21]
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355 results
Familienlastenausgleich im Lebensverlauf: Elterngeld und Mütterrente im europäischen Vergleich,
Dossier Familienpolitik, 2017, http://www.bpb.de/politik/innenpolitik/familienpolitik/252530/familienlastenausgleich more
No country for neophytes: Angela Merkel will win Germany again,
The Hill, http://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/international-affairs/346406-germany-is-no-country-for-neophytes-angela-merkel more
On the psychological roots of populist voting: A discussion of Bakker, Rooduijn, and Schumacher (2016).
[Working Paper]
Social Network Analysis in the Study of Ethnic Inequalities,
Emerging Trends in the Social and Behavioral Sciences: An Interdisciplinary, Searchable, and Linkable Resource more
Effect comparison in multilevel structural equation models with non-metric outcomes.
Alexandria, VA
[JSM Proceedings]
Population, households and families,
Deutschland in Daten online, 2016, http://www.deutschland-in-daten.de/en/population/ more