EU Democracy Promotion in the Civil Society Realm: The Baltics and the Western Balkans Compared.
[The EU as an External Democracy Promoter, Darmstadt, November 18th to November 19th, 2005]
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EU Support for Civil Society and Social Capital in the Baltic States.
[CONNEX RG 5 Workshop 'From National toward International Linkages? Civil Society and Multi-level Governance', Bled, May 20th to May 22nd, 2005]
The Impact of External Actors on Democratization Processes in the NGO Sector: A Comparison of the Baltics and the Western CIS Countries.
[Seventh World Congress of the International Council for Central and East European Studies (ICCEES), Berlin, July 25th to July 30th, 2005]
The Framing of Parents’ Beliefs about the Academic Excellence of their Children: The Role of Social Status and Educational Aspirations.
[Second International Conference on Rational Choice and Social Institutions, Groningen, March 09th to March 11th, 2005]
Primary and Secondary Effects of the Families’ Social Status on their Educational Decisions about Secondary School Type.
[Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Soziologie I (Prof. Blossfeld) der Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, July 26th, 2005]
Primary and Secondary Effects of the Families’ Social Status on their Educational Decisions about Secondary School Type.
[Colloquia at the Department for Social Research Methodology at the Free University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, August 30th, 2005]
Social Background, Parents’ Educational Aspirations and the Framing of their Beliefs about the Children’s Academic Excellence.
[Kolloquium des Lehrstuhls für Soziologie I (Prof. Blossfeld) der Otto-Friedrich-Universität, Bamberg, January 25th, 2005]
Parliamentary Democracy, Agency Problems and Party Politics.
[ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Workshop 25 'Intraparty Politics and Its Effects on Government Formation and Duration in Parliamentary Systems', Granada, April 14th to April 19th, 2005]
Explaining Transgovernmental Network Choices with Exponential Random Graph Models.
[Research Group ‘Decision Theory’, German Political Science Association, Mannheim, June 23rd to June 24th, 2005]
Promoting Good Governance and Development in Conflict-Affected Countries: The Role of Parliament and Government.
[Wilton Park Conference, Steyning, West Sussex, June 06th to June 10th, 2005]