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3632 results

Thurner, Paul W. (2005): Strategic Political Communication: A Public Choice Perspective. [International Summer Academy on Political Consulting and Strategic Campaign Communication, Mannheim, July 11th, 2005] more
Thurner, Paul W. (2005): Strategic Signalling before and during International Negotiations. [Max-Planck-Institute for Economics, Strategic Interaction Group, Jena, July 21st, 2005] more
Ullrich, Carsten G. (2005): Generationenkonflikte im Wohlfahrtsstaat? Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung. [Alternswissenschaftliche und alternspolitische Vortragsreihe des Deutschen Zentrums für Altersfragen (DZA), Berlin, February 17th, 2005] more
Ullrich, Carsten G. (2005): Gerechter Wohlfahrtsstaat? Zur Rolle von Gerechtigkeitsüberzeugungen bei der Beurteilung der sozialen Sicherung. [Öffentliche Vortragsreihe 'Soziale Gerechtigkeit und kulturelle Diversität' des Department Sozialarbeit und Sozialpolitik an der Universität Fribourg, Fribourg, June 14th, 2005] more
van Deth, Jan W. (2005): The Role of Civic Associations in EU´s Decision-Making Processes. [Workshop on Social Capital, Civic Engagement and Quality of Governance in the European Union (CONNEX), Brussels, December 01st, 2005] more
van Deth, Jan W., and William A. Maloney (2005): Assessing the Associational Impact on Members: Associations as Schools of Democracy?. [ECPR Joint Session of Workshops, Granada, April 14th to April 19th, 2005] more
van Deth, Jan W., and William A. Maloney (2005): The Associational Impact on Attitudes Towards Europe. [Second Meeting of Work Package 5-1, Network of Excellence on 'From National toward International Linkages? Civil Society and Multi-level Governance', Mannheim, October 07th to October 09th, 2005] more
van Deth, Jan W., and William A. Maloney (2005): The Associational Impact on Attitudes Towards Europe: A Tale of Two Cities. [first Meeting of Work Package 5-1, Network of Excellence on 'Efficient and Democratic Governance in a Multi-level Europe', Ljubljana, May 20th to May 22nd, 2005] more
Wendt, Claus (2005): Discussant of the presentation by Herbert Obinger: Outcomes of Policy Reforms. [Governance of Welfare State Reform, Universität Bremen, December 16th to December 17th, 2005] more
Wendt, Claus (2005): Health Care Systems, Social Inequality, and Health. [Japanese-German Frontiers of Science Symposia, Tokio, November 02nd to November 05th, 2005] more
