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Jäger, Angela (2004): Forschungsprojekt Ethnische Grenzziehung und soziale Kontexte (II) : Methodenbericht. Mannheim more
Jäger, Angela (2004): What determines the congruence of proxy- and self-reports on attitudes towards immigrants in Germany?. [Sunbelt XXXIV - International Sunbalt Social Network Conference, Portorož, May 12th to May 16th, 2004] more
Kaiser, André, and Thomas Zittel (Eds.) (2004): Demokratieentwicklung und Demokratietheorie. Festschrift für Peter Graf Kielmansegg. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. more
Kalter, Frank (2004): Ethnic Stratification in Germany: Recent Trends and Mechanisms. [Research Colloquium on Migration of the Institute for Sociology, University of Bremen, Bremen, November 25th, 2004] more
Kalter, Frank (2004): Methods in Interdisciplinary Migration Research. [Research Colloquium of the German National Academic Foundation, Berlin, Berlin, April 23rd, 2004] more
Kalter, Frank (2004): Occupational Attainment of Second Generation Immigrants in Germany. [Conference on „The Next Generation: Immigrant Youth and Families in Comparative Perspective“, Harvard University, Cambridge, Cambridge, October 29th to October 30th, 2004] more
Kalter, Frank (2004): Structural Assimilation and Specific Capital. [32. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie, München, October 04th to October 08th, 2004] more
Kalter, Frank, and Nadia Granato (2004): Sozialer Wandel und strukturelle Assimilation in der Bundesrepublik. Empirische Befunde mit Mikrodaten der amtlichen Statistik. Pp. 61 - 81 in: Klaus J. Bade, Michael Bommes (Eds.) Migration - Integration - Bildung. Grundfragen und Problembereiche. Osnabrück. more
Kim, Anna, and Karin Kurz (2004): Empirische Analyse prekärer Beschäftigung anhand der amtlichen Statistik. Pp. 76-106 in: Joachim Merz, Markus Zwick (Eds.) MIKAS - Mikroanalysen und amtliche Statistik. Wiesbaden: Statistisches Bundesamt. more
Kneip, Thorsten (2004): The Impact of Social Capital on Marital Stability. Italy more
