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2752 results

Gebel, Michael (2011): Does temporary employment help to reintegrate unemployed workers? A comparison based on British, German and Swiss panel data. [Invited talk in research seminar “Life course and inequality”, Lausanne, October 19th to October 20th, 2011] more
Gebel, Michael (2011): Does Temporary Employment Mitigate the Scar Effects of Unemployment? A Cross-Country Comparison based on British, German and Swiss Panel Data. [6th International conference of panel data users in Switzerland, Lausanne, June 08th to June 09th, 2011] more
Gebel, Michael (2011): Does temporary employment mitigate the scar effects of unemployment? A cross-country comparison based on British, German and Swiss Panel Data.. [Understanding Society/BHPS Conference 2011, Colchester, Essex, June 30th to July 01st, 2011] more
Gebel, Michael (2011): Hard times for the less educated: education and labor market entry in East Germany after reunification. Pp. 58-84 in: Irena Kogan, Clemens Noelke, Michael Gebel (Eds.) Making the transition. Education and labor market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press. more
Gebel, Michael, and Clemens Noelke (2011): The transition from school to work in Central and Eastern Europe: theory and methodology. Pp. 29-57 in: Irena Kogan, Clemens Noelke, Michael Gebel (Eds.) Making the transition. Education and labor market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press. more
Gebel, Michael, and Irena Kogan (2011): When higher education pays off: education and labor market entry in Ukraine. Pp. 269-295 in: Irena Kogan, Clemens Noelke, Michael Gebel (Eds.) Making the transition. Education and labor market entry in Central and Eastern Europe. Stanford: Stanford University Press. more
Gebel, Michael, and Johannes Giesecke (2011): Labour market flexibility and inequality: the changing skill-based temporary employment and unemployment risks in Europe. Social Forces, 90, issue 1, pp. 17-40. more
Giebler, Heiko, and Andreas M. Wüst (2011): Campaigning on an Upper Level? Individual Campaigning in the 2009 European Parliament Elections in its Determinants. Electoral Studies, 30, issue 1, pp. 53-66. more
Giebler, Heiko, and Andreas M. Wüst (2011): Individuelle Wahlkämpfe bei der Europawahl 2009: Länderübergreifende und ebenenspezifische Befunde. Pp. 121-152 in: Jens Tenscher (Ed.) Superwahljahr 2009. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag. more
Giger, Nathalie (2011): Are parties responsive to group turnout? Relative turnout of the poor and the responsiveness of parties in Western Europe. [6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, August 24th to August 28th, 2011] more
