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2752 results

Kohler-Koch, Beate (2005): Will Europe integrate into a common space of politics?. [Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik (SWP), Konferenz 'The Transformation of the European Nation State', The E.ON Ruhrgas Scholarship Programme for Political Science, Berlin, June 03rd to June 04th, 2005] more
Kristen, Cornelia (2005): School Choice and Ethnic School Segregation. Primary School Selection in Germany. Münster: Waxmann. [Internationale Hochschulschriften; 437] more
Kristen, Cornelia, Anika Römmer, Walter Müller and Frank Kalter (2005): Longitudinal Studies for Education Reports: European and North American Examples. Bonn, Berlin. [Education Reform; 10] more
Kristen, Cornelia, Anika Römmer, Walter Müller and Frank Kalter (2005): Längsschnittstudien für die Bildungsberichterstattung – Beispiele aus Europa und Nordamerika. Berlin/Bonn: Referat Publikationen. [Bildungsreform; 10] more
Larat, Fabrice (2005): CONNEX: Efficient and Democratic Governance in a Multi-Level Europe. [Humanities & Social Sciences Research Forum: Diverse Dialogues across Europe, Nicosia, January 27th to January 28th, 2005] more
Larat, Fabrice (2005): CONNEX: Efficient and democratic governance int he EU. [Italian-German Expert Meeting on FP6 Project management & FP7 perspectives, Villa Vigoni, Como, June 09th, 2005] more
Larat, Fabrice (2005): CONNEX - ein Exzellenznetzwerk zum "Regieren im europäischen Mehrebenensystem". Integration, 28, issue 2, pp. 179-182. more
Larat, Fabrice (2005): Introduction à l'histroire de l'intégration européenne. [Unterrichtsmodul 'Europäische Integration', Institut Européen des Hautes Etudes Internationales, Nice, October 14th, 2005] more
Larat, Fabrice (2005): Ou Zhou Yi Ti Hua Shi [Chinese edition of “Histoire politique de l’intégration européenne” enlarged with documents on the history of European integration]. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. more
Larat, Fabrice (2005): Present-ing the Past: Political Narratives on European History and the Justification of EU Integration. German Law Journal, 6, issue 2, pp. 273-290. more
