The programmatic development of CDU and CSU since reunification: Incentives and constraints for changing policy positions in the German multi-level system.
[The CDU: Continuities, Challenges and Changes, Birmingham, June 24th, 2011]
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Why Voters like some Coalitions and dislike Others: Evidence from the German Multilevel System.
[European Political Science Association Annual Conference, Dublin, June 16th to June 18th, 2011]
Issue Voting in German Elections over Time.
[European Political Science Association Annual Conference, Dublin, June 16th to June 18th, 2011]
Why should gay couples pay more? An analysis of fees for same-sex unions in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.
[6th ECPR General Conference, Reykjavik, August 25th to August 27th, 2011]
Intra-party conflict and office allocation in coalition governments.
[ECPR Standing Group on Parliaments Conference, Leiden, November 24th to November 25th, 2011]
Europeanisation and government formation in multi-level systems: Evidence from the Czech Republic.
European Union Politics, 12, issue 3, pp. 381-403.
Medicine and user involvement within European healthcare: a typology for European comparative research.
International Journal of Clinical Practice, 65, issue 12, pp. 1218-1220.
The mandatory teacher recommendation at the end of primary school in Germany Increasing equal educational opportunities or social selectivity?.
[ECSR 20th Anniversary Conference: European Society or Societies? A 20-Year Perspective, University College Dublin, December 14th to December 17th, 2011]
Verbindliche und unverbindliche Grundschulempfehlungen und soziale Ungleichheiten am ersten Bildungsübergang.
Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie, 63, issue 4, pp. 431-457.
Children of Immigrants Longitudinal Survey in Four European Countries (CILS4EU). Design, Data Structure, and Fieldwork Challenges.
[NORFACE Interdisciplinary Conference: Migration. Economic Change, Social Challenge, London, April 06th to April 09th, 2011]