Political ambition and opposition legislative review: Bill scrutiny as an intra-party signalling device.
European Journal of Political Research, 63, issue 1, pp. 66-88.
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How organized interests shape labour relations and social policies.
Pp. 165-177 in:
Bent Greve, Amílcar Moreira, Minna van Gerven
Handbook on the Political Economy of Social Policy.
Edward Elgar.
Do electoral candidates reflect or select campaign issues? The influence of electoral manifestos on online communication.
Party Politics, 30, issue 6, pp. 1088-1099.
On the Effect of National Religiosity on the Well-Being Detriments of Lower SES.
[Post-Doc Workshop of the Social Psychology Sub-Division of the German Psychological Society, Hagen, September 25th to September 27th, 2024]
Personal determinants of well-being across sociocultural contexts.
[53rd DGPs Congress (Heinz-Heckhausen dissertation award), Vienna, September 16th to September 19th, 2024]
What makes us happy and healthy depends on where we live.
[Social psychology colloquium at the University of Saarbrücken, Saarbrücken, June 06th, 2024]
What makes us happy and healthy depends on where we live.
[Social psychology colloquium at the Leuphana University, Lüneburg, April 30th, 2024]
Person-culture match: Is living among similar others beneficial?.
["Tupperware” research colloquium at McGill University, Montréal, (virtual colloquium), October 25th, 2024]
Person-culture match: Is living among similar others beneficial?.
[Research colloquium at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, January 31st, 2024]
Gender Differences in Agency and Communion across 137 Nations: A Competitive Test of Five Hypotheses.
[21st European Conference on Personality, Berlin, August 06th to August 09th, 2024]