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8772 results

El-Kayed, Nihad, and Alexander Wenz (2024): Everyday mobility in German cities: A smartphone-based assessment of activity spaces and their effect on social inequalities. [Workshop "The Power of Where: Spatial Insights from Survey Data", Cottbus, February 29th to March 01st, 2024] more
Emmer, Christine, Julia Dorn and Jutta Mata (2024): The immediate effect of discrimination on mental health: A meta-analytic review of the causal evidence. Psychological Bulletin, 150, issue 3, pp. 215-252. more
Engst, Benjamin G., and Thomas Gschwend (2024): Citizens' commitment to judicial independence: A discrete choice experiment in nine European countries. [14th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association, Köln, July 04th to July 06th, 2024] more
Engst, Benjamin G., and Thomas Gschwend (2024): Observational Databases. Pp. 247-264 in: Lee Epstein, Gunnar Grendstad, Urška Šadl (Eds.) The Oxford handbook of comparative judicial behaviour. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Katharina Ludwig, Philipp Müller and Hartmut Wessler (2024): Medienvermittelter Rassismus: Theoretische Konzeptualisierung, ein Vorschlag zur Messbarmachung und mögliche Gegenmaßnahmen. [69. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik- und Kommunikationswissenschaft (DGPuK), Erfurt, March 13th to March 15th, 2024] more
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Philipp Müller, Katharina Ludwig and Chung-hong Chan (2024): Mapping patterns of ethnic group coverage in German news media and social media to detect traces of racial prejudice and political alliance-building. [21st IMISCOE Annual Conference, Lissabon, July 02nd to July 05th, 2024] more
Freudenthaler, Rainer, Philipp Müller, Katharina Ludwig and Chung-hong Chan (2024): Muster der Berichterstattung über ethnische Gruppen in deutschen Nachrichtenmedien und sozialen Medien. [DeZIM-Tagung 2024, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024] more
Gerdon, Frederic (2024): How are public preferences relevant to the ethical use of AI? Theoretical considerations and empirical findings. [15. Wissenschaftliche Tagung des ADM, der ASI und des Statistischen Bundesamtes, Wiesbaden, June 20th to June 21st, 2024] more
Gereke, Johanna, Delia Baldassarri and Max Schaub (2024): Prosociality Beyond In-Group Boundaries: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment on Selection and Intergroup Interactions in a Multiethnic European Metropolis. Sociological Science, 11, pp. 815-853. more
González, Belén, and Richard Traunmüller (2024): The political consequences of wartime sexual violence: Evidence from a list experiment. Journal of Peace Research, 61, issue 6, pp. 1035-1050. more
