German Parties and their EP Election Manifestos.
[28th Annual Conference of the German Studies Association, Washington DC, October 07th to October 10th, 2004]
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German Parties and their EP Election Manifestos: Programmatic Profiles.
[Campaigning for Europe 2004, Landau, October 01st to October 03rd, 2004]
Migration - a social science perspective.
[Interdisciplinary Migration Seminar, Bremen, November 22nd, 2004]
Stimmung, Projektion, Prognose?.
[Vortragsreihe des Instituts für Politikwissenschaft, Duisburg, January 08th, 2004]
American Democracy: A Model for European Integration?.
[ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops, Workshop Nr. 12: National Traditions of Democratic Theory (Directors: Heidrun Abromeit und Andreas Follesdal)., Universität Uppsala, Uppsala, April 13th to April 18th, 2004]
MPs and the Internet: Between the Rock of Technology and the Hard Place of Politics.
[Seventh European Conference of Members of National Parliaments on Information and Communications Technologies., Schwedischer Riksdag, Stockholm, September 27th to September 29th, 2004]
MPs and the Internet - Between the Rock of Technology and the Hard Place of Politics.
[Siebte Konferenz der Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Europäischen Parlamente zu Themen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie, Stockholm, October 27th to October 29th, 2004]
What can ICTs do for Democracy?.
[Council of Europe Conference: The Future of Democracy, Centro de Convenciones International de Barcelona, Barcelona, November 17th to November 19th, 2004]
What can ICTs do for Democracy?.
[Fachkonferenz des Europarates, The Future of Democracy, Barcelona, November 17th to November 19th, 2004]
1. Civil society in Germany ten years after - still divided by the socialist legacy? 2. Political confidence in Europe.
[Gastvorträge an der sozialwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Katholischen Universität Löwen, Löwen, May 12th to May 13th, 2004]