Minority within minority: How and why should linguistic diversity inside migrant communities be explored? The case of Arab- and Kurdish-origin Turkish nationals and their descendants in Germany.
[DeZIM-Tagung, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024]
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3632 results
Minority within minority: How and why should linguistic diversity inside migrant communities be explored? The case of Arab- and Kurdish-origin Turkish nationals and their descendants in Germany.
[Mercator International Conference, Leeuwarden , November 07th to November 08th, 2024]
Speaking the Unspoken: Utilizing Controversial Content in Online Sampling.
[3rd Annual Meth@Mig Workshop: Participant Recruitment Strategies and Sampling Methods in Migration Research, Mannheim, April 25th to April 26th, 2024]
Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation – Update.
[NIMLAS Annual Plenary, Ann Arbor, MI, December 10th, 2024]
Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation.
[NIMLAS Annual Plenary, Ann Arbor, MI, January 26th, 2024]
Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation.
[AAPOR 79th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 15th to May 17th, 2024]
The role of online dating for homogamy.
[5th International CILS4EU User Conference, Mannheim, September 26th to September 27th, 2024]
Going Online: Partnership Formation among Syrian and Afghan refugees in Germany.
[Researcher Mobility Program Baden-Württemberg – University of Massachusetts, Heidelberg, November 29th, 2024]
Intersectional inequalities in academic achievement in primary and secondary education from a cross-country perspective.
[Project PIONEERED Final Conference, Belval, January 30th to February 01st, 2024]
The role of family context in partner search among male refugees in Germany.
[5th International CILS4EU User Conference, MZES, Mannheim, September 26th to September 27th, 2024]