The paradox of progressive politics: Immigrant support for green parties.
[120th APSA Annual Meeting & Exhibition, Philadelphia, September 05th to September 08th, 2024]
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The paradox of progressive politics: Immigrant support for green parties.
[Pre-EPSA Workshop, Münster, July 03rd, 2024]
Experimental evidence on the international human trafficking vulnerability of wo(men) in Tanzania.
[DeZIM-Tagung, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024]
Social inequality and super-diversity: The impact of minority-contact on political preferences. A field experiment with text-as-data insights.
[DeZIM Tagung, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024]
Gender differences in migration decision making.
[New knowledge on migration, development and policy, Oxford, June 24th to June 26th, 2024]
Understanding Survey Cooperativeness in Dynamic Political Environments: An Agent-Based Approach.
[74th Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, Glasgow, March 25th to March 27th, 2024]
Why Perceived Policy (In)congruence Matters for Durable Voter Attachment. The Case of the German Greens Under a New Wave of Environmental Politicisation.
[74th Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, Glasgow, March 25th to March 27th, 2024]
An experimental survey approach for the semantic validation of word embedding biases.
[74th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, June 20th to June 24th, 2024]
Keeping It Inside the Family – Explaining Differences in Men’s and Women’s Participation in Public, Semi-Public, and Private Discursive Spheres.
[5th Annual Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network, Vienna, September 19th to September 20th, 2024]
It takes two to court: Partnership formation in the context of forced migration.
[RC28 Summer Meeting, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, August 06th to August 08th, 2024]