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148 results

Teperoglou, Eftichia, and Emmanouil Tsatsanis (2011): A new divide? The impact of globalization on national party systems. West European Politics, 34, issue 6, pp. 1207–1228. more
Theocharis, Yannis (2011): The influence of Postmaterialist Orientations on Young British People’s Offline and Online Political Participation. Representation, 47, issue 4, pp. 435-455. more
Theocharis, Yannis (2011): Young People, Political Participation and Online Postmaterialism in Greece. New Media & Society, 13, issue 2, pp. 203-223. more
Tieben, Nicole (2011): Parental Resources and Relative Risk Aversion in Intra-secondary Transitions: A Trend Analysis of Non-standard Educational Decision Situations in the Netherlands. European Sociological Review, 27, issue 1, pp. 31-42. more
Traunmüller, Richard (2011): Moral Communities? Religion as a Source of Social Trust in a Multilevel Analysis of 97 German Regions. European Sociological Review, 27, issue 3, pp. 346-363. more
Traunmüller, Richard, and Markus Freitag (2011): State Support of Religion: Making or Breaking Faith-Based Social Capital?. Comparative Politics, 43, issue 3 , pp. 253-269. more
van der Eijk, Cees, Hermann Schmitt and Eliyahi V. Sapir (2011): The electoral consequences of low turnout in the European Parliament elections of 2009. Pp. 183-198 in: Martin Rosema, Bas Denters, Kees Aarts (Eds.) How Democracy Works. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. more
van Deth, Jan W. (2011): Is Creative Participation Good for Democracy?. Pp. 148-172 in: Michele Micheletti, Andrew S. McFarland (Eds.) Creative Participation: Responsibilitity-Taking in the Political World. Boulder: Paradigm Publisher. more
van Deth, Jan W. (2011): The Impact of the Economic Crisis in Europe: 'I'm doing fine'. Pp. 223-238 in: Martin Rosema, Bas Denters, Kees Aarts (Eds.) How Democracy Works. Political Representation and Policy Congruence in Modern Societies. Amsterdam: Pallas Publications. more
van Deth, Jan W. (2011): Political Sociology as a Field of Study. Pp. 2022-2039 in: Bertrand Badie, Dirk Berg-Schlosser, Leonardo Morlino (Eds.) International Encyclopedia of Political Science. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. more
