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4708 results

van Damme, Maike, Sandra Krapf and Michael Wagner (2023): Housing density and its consequences for couples in Germany: staying, moving, or breaking up?. Housing Studies, 38, issue 8, pp. 1560-1588. more
von der Heyde, Leah, Anna-Carolina Haensch and Alexander Wenz (2023): Assessing bias in LLM-generated synthetic datasets: The case of German voter behavior. [SocArXiv preprint] more
von der Heyde, Leah, Anna-Carolina Haensch and Alexander Wenz (2023): Vox Populi, vox AI? Using language models to estimate German public opinion. [SocArXiv preprint] more
Weißmann, Markus, and Jörg Dollmann (2023): A bad decision? Consequences of unsuccessful ambitious educational choices of majority and minority adolescents for vocational training opportunities in Germany. [30th Annual Workshop of the European Research Network on Transitions in Youth (TiY), Edinburgh, September 06th to September 08th, 2023] more
Weißmann, Markus, and Tobias Roth (2023): Pre-existing company contacts and premature termination of apprenticeship training in Germany. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 87, (article no. 100839). more
Weißmann, Markus, Jörg Dollmann and Irena Kogan (2023): Educational and school-to-work pathways of majority and ethnic minority youth in Germany: Direct links and detours. Pp. 82-104 in: Merike Darmody, Emer Smyth (Eds.) Post-school Pathways of Migrant-Origin Youth in Europe. 1st ed., London: Routledge. more
Wenz, Alexander, and Florian Keusch (2023): How to increase the acceptance of mobile app and sensor data collection?. [AAPOR 78th Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, May 10th to May 12th, 2023] more
Wenz, Alexander, and Florian Keusch (2023): Increasing the acceptance of smartphone-based data collection. Public Opinion Quarterly, 87, issue 2, pp. 357-388. more
Wenz, Alexander, and Florian Keusch (2023): The second-level smartphone divide: A typology of smartphone use based on frequency of use, skills, and types of activities. Mobile Media & Communication, 11, issue 3, pp. 459-483. more
Wenz, Alexander, Annette Jäckle, Jonathan Burton, Mick P. Couper and Brendan Read (2023): Quality of expenditure data collected with a mobile receipt scanning app in a probability household panel. Colchester [Understanding Society Working Paper; 2023-02] more
