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Vaubel, Roland (1995): The Centralisation of Western Europe. The Common Market, Political Integration, and Democracy. London. [Hobart paper; 127] more
Vaubel, Roland (1995): Social Regulation and Market Integration: A Critique and Public-Choice Analysis of the Social Chapter. Außenwirtschaft/Swiss Review of International Economic Relations, 50, issue 1, pp. 111-132. more
Alba, Richard D., Johann Handl and Walter Müller (1994): Ethnic Inequalities in the German School System. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 08] more
Flora, Peter, Franz Kraus, Heinz-Herbert Noll and Franz Rothenbacher (Eds.) (1994): Social Statistics and Social Reporting in and for Europe. Bonn, Mannheim: Mannheimer Zentrum für Europäische Sozialforschung. [Europe in Comparison - A Series of Guidebooks for the Social Sciences; 1] more
Hebette, Chantal, and Franz Rothenbacher (1994): The European System of Social Protection Statistics - ESSPROS. Pp. 207-233 in: Peter Flora, Franz Kraus, Heinz-Herbert Noll, Franz Rothenbacher (Eds.) Social Statistics and Social Reporting in and for Europe. Bonn-Mannheim. more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1994): Theoretical Reflections on the Efficiency and Democracy of European Governance Structures. Brüssel [Konferenzpapier] more
Kaase, Max (1994): Is There Personalization in Politics? Candidates and Voting Behavior in Germany. International Political Science Review, 15, issue 3, pp. 211-230. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1994): Changing Patterns of Interest Intermediation in the European Union. Government and Opposition, 29, pp. 166-180. more
Kraus, Franz (1994): Social Statistics of the European Communitiy (EC). Mannheim [EURODATA; 3] more
Kraus, Franz (1994): Social Statistics of the European Community (EC). Pp. 139-188 in: Peter Flora, Franz Kraus, Heinz-Herbert Noll, Franz Rothenbacher (Eds.) Social Statistics and Social Reporting in and for Europe. Bonn. more
