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Grote, Jürgen R. (1996): Cohesion in Italy: A View on Non-economic Disparities. Liesbet Hooghe (Ed.) European Cohesion Policy and European Integration: Building Multi-Level Governance. Oxford: Oxford University Press. more
Hallerberg, Mark (1996): The Common Pool Problem in European Parliaments: The Interrelationship of Electoral and Legislative Institutions. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 14] more
Henning, Christian H.C.A. (1996): The Agricultural Advisory Committees of the Commission: Access for National Lobbying or Coordinating Supranational Policies?. Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich II; 12] more
Jachtenfuchs, Markus (1996): International policy-making as a learning process? The European Union and the greenhouse effect. Hants: Avebury. more
Jonsson, Jan O., Colin Mills and Walter Müller (1996): A half century of increasing educational openess? Social Class, gender and educational attainment in Sweden, Germany and Britain. Pp. 183-206 in: Robert Erikson, Jan O. Jonsson (Eds.) Can education be equalized? The Swedish case in comparative perspective. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. more
Jurado Guerrero, Teresa, and Manuela Naldini (1996): Is the South so different? Italian and Spanish Families in Comparative Perspective (The International Project on Family Changes and Family Policies). Mannheim [Arbeitsbereich I; 12] more
Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi and Thomas König (1996): Exchange Processes. Pp. 152-188 in: David Knoke, Jeffrey Broadbent, Yutaka Tsujinaka (Eds.) Comparing Policy Networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. more
Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi and Willi Schnorpfeil (1996): Power Structures. Pp. 189-208 in: David Knoke, Jeffrey Broadbent, Yutaka Tsujinaka (Eds.) Comparing Policy Networks. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. more
Knoke, David, Franz Urban Pappi, Jeffrey Broadbent and Yutaka Tsujinaka (1996): Comparing Policy Networks. Labor Politics in the U.S., Germany, and Japan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. more
Kohler-Koch, Beate (1996): Catching Up with Change: The Transformation of Governance in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 3, issue 3, pp. 359-380. more
