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Cohen, Denis, and Chris Hanretty (2024): Simulating Party Shares. Political Analysis, 32, issue 1, pp. 140-147. more
Cohen, Denis, Werner Krause and Tarik Abou-Chadi (2024): Comparative vote switching: A new framework for studying dynamic multi-party competition. The Journal of Politics, 86, issue 2, pp. 597-607. more
Debus, Marc (2024): Book Review: Rationality of Irrationality: Political Determinants and Effects of Party Position Blurring. Party Politics, 30, issue 1, pp. 200-201. more
Debus, Marc, and Felix Schulte (2024): How Party Competition Shapes Ethnic Parties’ Positions on Migration and Immigration. Party Politics, 30, issue 1, pp. 126-138. more
Debus, Marc, and Or Tuttnauer (2024): Negative campaign statements, coalition heterogeneity, and the support for government parties. Electoral Studies, 87, (article no. 102738). more
Debus, Marc, and Thorsten Faas (2024): Die hessische Landtagswahl vom 8. Oktober 2023: Die Schwäche der Ampelparteien und das überraschende Ende von Schwarz-Grün. Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 55, issue 1, pp. 25-42. more
Debus, Marc, Julius Kölzer and Christian Stecker (2024): Rekorde im Westen – welche Faktoren erklären die Zugewinne der AfD in Hessen und Bayern?, DVPW-Blog more
Debus, Marc, Noam Himmelrath and Christian Stecker (2024): How a history of migration affects individuals’ political attitudes. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, issue 8, pp. 1886-1903. more
Dollmann, Jörg, Irena Kogan and Markus Weißmann (2024): When your accent betrays you: the role of foreign accents in school-to-work transition of ethnic minority youth in Germany. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, issue 12, pp. 2943-2986. more
Dollmann, Jörg, Jannes Jacobsen and Sabrina J. Mayer (2024): Die Unterstützung ukrainischer Geflüchteter in Deutschland im Zeitverlauf: Eine längsschnittliche Analyse des DeZIM.panels. Pp. 254-263 in: Jochen Oltmer, Marcel Berlinghoff, Franck Düvell, Christine Lang, Andreas Pott (Eds.) Report Globale Flucht 2024. 1st ed., Frankfurt a. M.: Fischer Taschenbuch. more
