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Kalter, Frank, and Naika Foroutan (2024): Outgroup mobility threat – how much intergenerational integration is wanted?. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, issue 1, pp. 149-172. more
Karacay, Irem (2024): Don’t you dare speaking this language outside, sweetheart: Silence across generations?. [Interdisciplinary Workshop on Language and Trauma , (virtual), March 18th to March 22nd, 2024] more
Karacay, Irem (2024): Minority within minority: How and why should linguistic diversity inside migrant communities be explored? The case of Arab- and Kurdish-origin Turkish nationals and their descendants in Germany. [DeZIM-Tagung, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024] more
Karacay, Irem (2024): Minority within minority: How and why should linguistic diversity inside migrant communities be explored? The case of Arab- and Kurdish-origin Turkish nationals and their descendants in Germany. [Mercator International Conference, Leeuwarden , November 07th to November 08th, 2024] more
Karacay, Irem (2024): Speaking the Unspoken: Utilizing Controversial Content in Online Sampling. [3rd Annual Meth@Mig Workshop: Participant Recruitment Strategies and Sampling Methods in Migration Research, Mannheim, April 25th to April 26th, 2024] more
Kern, Christoph, Ruben L. Bach, Hannah Mautner and Frauke Kreuter (2024): When Small Decisions Have Big Impact: Fairness Implications of Algorithmic Profiling Schemes. ACM Journal of Responsible Computing, 1, issue 4, (article no. 24), pp. 1-30. more
Keusch, Florian, and Bella Struminsakya (2024): Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation – Update. [NIMLAS Annual Plenary, Ann Arbor, MI, December 10th, 2024] more
Keusch, Florian, and Bella Struminskaya (2024): Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation. [NIMLAS Annual Plenary, Ann Arbor, MI, January 26th, 2024] more
Keusch, Florian, and Bella Struminskaya (2024): Measurement of physical activity in older adults through data donation. [AAPOR 79th Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA, May 15th to May 17th, 2024] more
Keusch, Florian, Paulina K. Pankowska, Alexandru Cernat and Ruben L. Bach (2024): Do You Have Two Minutes to Talk about Your Data? Willingness to Participate and Nonparticipation Bias in Facebook Data Donation. Field Methods, 36, issue 4, pp. 279-293. more
