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8903 results

Morgenstern, Sandra (2024): Social inequality and super-diversity: The impact of minority-contact on political preferences. A field experiment with text-as-data insights. [DeZIM Tagung, Mannheim, October 09th to October 11th, 2024] more
Morgenstern, Sandra, and Carlos Vargas-Silva (2024): Gender differences in migration decision making. [New knowledge on migration, development and policy, Oxford, June 24th to June 26th, 2024] more
Morgenstern, Sandra, and Oliver Strijbis (2024): Forecasting migration movements using prediction markets. Comparative Migration Studies, 12, (article no. 45), pp. 1-18. more
Müller, Klara (2024): Understanding Survey Cooperativeness in Dynamic Political Environments: An Agent-Based Approach. [74th Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, Glasgow, March 25th to March 27th, 2024] more
Müller, Klara, and Milena Rapp (2024): Why Perceived Policy (In)congruence Matters for Durable Voter Attachment. The Case of the German Greens Under a New Wave of Environmental Politicisation. [74th Annual International Conference of the Political Studies Association, Glasgow, March 25th to March 27th, 2024] more
Müller, Philipp, Rainer Freudenthaler, Katharina Ludwig and Chung-hong Chan (2024): An experimental survey approach for the semantic validation of word embedding biases. [74th Annual ICA Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, June 20th to June 24th, 2024] more
Naumann, Elias, Marvin Marcus Brinkmann and Katja Möhring (2024): The ethnic penalty in welfare deservingness: A factorial survey experiment on welfare chauvinism in pension attitudes in Germany. Journal of European Social Policy, 34, issue 2, pp. 190-202. more
Neumann, Manuel (2024): Keeping It Inside the Family – Explaining Differences in Men’s and Women’s Participation in Public, Semi-Public, and Private Discursive Spheres. [5th Annual Meeting of the German Political Psychology Network, Vienna, September 19th to September 20th, 2024] more
Neumann, Manuel, Maxim Ziegler and Clarissa Périssé (2024): Do citizens enjoy talking politics? How political and social dispositions shape our attitudes towards political conversations. Mannheim [MZES Fokus; 5] more
Neumann, Manuel, Maxim Ziegler and Clarissa Périssé (2024): Reden Bürger*innen gerne über Politik? Wie politische und soziale Dispositionen unsere Einstellung zu politischen Gesprächen beeinflussen. Mannheim [MZES Fokus; 5] more
