How Party Competition Shapes Ethnic Parties’ Positions on Migration and Immigration.
Party Politics, 30, issue 1, pp. 126-138.
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Who runs in the end? New evidence on the effects of gender, ethnicity and intersectionality on candidate selection.
Political Studies Review, 22, issue 4, pp. 1000-1021.
Negative campaign statements, coalition heterogeneity, and the support for government parties.
Electoral Studies, 87, (article no. 102738), pp. 1-7.
Die hessische Landtagswahl vom 8. Oktober 2023: Die Schwäche der Ampelparteien und das überraschende Ende von Schwarz-Grün.
Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen, 55, issue 1, pp. 25-42.
LGB+ identity and its implications for the policy positions of parliamentary candidates.
European Political Science Review, 16, issue 4, pp. 483-502.
Mode of candidacy, electoral prospects, and the ideological deviation of candidacy-seeking politicians from their party leadership.
Electoral Studies, 89, (article no. 102798), pp.1-6.
Rekorde im Westen – welche Faktoren erklären die Zugewinne der AfD in Hessen und Bayern?,
DVPW-Blog more
How a history of migration affects individuals’ political attitudes.
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 50, issue 8, pp. 1886-1903.
Climate crisis or business as usual? Examining parliamentary discourse on climate change over time.
[29. Wissenschaftlicher Kongress der Deutschen Vereinigung für Politikwissenschaft, Göttingen, September 24th to September 27th, 2024]
Die Vermittlung von Best Practices zur Messung von Datenqualität in den quantitativen Sozialwissenschaften.
Pp. 2224-2235 in:
Maike Klein, Daniel Krupka, Cornelia Winter, Martin Gergeleit
Informatik 2024.
Lecture notes in Informatics (LNI): Proceedings ; P-352.,
Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V..